Hi everyone,
I'm participating in Sew,Mama,Sew! blog May Giveaway Day.
It's always a lot of fun to share with all of you.
I've decided to give away a Moda charm pack of Miss Jump's Scrapbag by Linda Brannock.
This is from an older collection, but would be perfect for a little civil war quilt or table runner.

and a little housewife needle case, like the one I made below.
Here's the housewife needle case I'm giving away.
It's in my favorite colors,
Red and White.
I'm adding those cute little scissors and the spool of thread.
All you have to do is leave a comment telling me what inspires you to quilt, sew etc.
That's it.
I will randomly draw the winner on May 25th after 7pm eastern time.
I will ship internationally.
Good Luck.
1 – 200 of 221 Newer› Newest»I started out being inspired to sew by my daughters- I saw so many cute dresses and thought Hey! I can do that!
I think it is fair to say that I am inspired by all the fantastic work displayed in blogland! I do love making things for family and nothing makes me happier than when I see my husband all wrapped up in a pink quilt!
I am inspired by all the creative bloggers!
Thanks for the lovely giveaway :D
From young I have been stitching x-stitch and making my own skirts. Now that I have retired, I sew to keep myself busy!
Thanks Ariane :)
I am inspired by vintage/antique quilts and repro fabric! It always gets my fingers busy at the sewing machine!!!!
The quilts out there are the ones to inspire me to make my own, I seen alot of art work, I'm not even close to them, but is fun to daydream sometimes, lol
Cute fabric! and I just happen to be making civi war blocks right now!!
I meet every Friday with my wonderful friends - we sew, we talk, we eat, we drink coffee and we definitely inspire each other - we often work on a group project and that's always lots of fun.
I quilt for sanity! In a pressure job at work, with two children who have high needs, my quilting is my sane time when I escape from the busyness of life and get my fix! I only have to see some gorgeous fabric or a new lovely pattern or quilt to inspire and start to plan another project to do. They bank up quicker than I can do them but oh well. There is something thereupetic in that too. :)
I think it is always the fabric that inspires me! As soon as I see it, the wheels can start turning..
I'm inspired by things I see on blogs, and in magazines. :) And deadlines help, too!
Lovely give away! Thanks so much! Other quilts and projects but also the fabic inspires me.
Great giveaway! Please count me in! In Romania quilting is very little known, and I was inspired by the blogs I visited.
My sister inspired me to start quilting because the things she was making were beautiful!
I was inspired by all the different fabrics in a spiderweb quilt...I had to make it, then the bug bit me!
I was inspired by my mother's sewing and started quilting 2 yrs ago to expand my dressmaking skills... and to make quilts to keep my grandbabies warm!
I was inspired by my mother and grandmother always giving handmade gifts. To me, a handmade gift comes with such love that I just needed to do it myself!
The need to be creative, and so many wonderful blogs out there. x
The need to create, to be doing something with myself besides watching TV....and people like you who are creators as well.
Thanks for this giveaway!
I started sewing when I gave up smoking, without the help of blogland and the lovely people at my quilt class I don't think I would have managed 2 and a half years smoke free. Now I when I see charm packs I can always see something to make.
I think mostly seeing everyone around the blogsphere sewing something makes me want to sew something too!
It's All about the fabric (I collect it), all the new ranges coming out that I just have to work with, the enjoyment and relaxation I get designing,cutting and sewing with fabric,the colors,prints,florals and even plain. It's all starts with the Fabric and ends with the Fabric.
Hi - I sew to feel the fabric and I love seeing the designs come together. Cute needle case - I've been thinking about making one, so I would love to win one! Thanks for the giveaway.
I started quilting because I made shorts for my boy and had leftovers. I just had to recyle.. now I do most quilting but still uses every little bit of fabric, nothing go to waste.
My main inspiration is all the amazing talent out there on the internet. It´s like an endless source of creative input=)This is a great giveaway, thanks for the chance.
Interesting question...probably the biggest motivator to sew is when I know I can't! LOL Your questions comes just as I'm cleaning up my sewing space and transforming it into a guest room for my mother's 2 week visit. Luckily I have enough hand work to keep me busy!
Please count me in :o)
The fabric! ....and my grandkids...
Best reasons to sew!
Pretty much everything inspires me to sew! Pictures of gorgeous dresses our mother's generation used to wear; lovely fabrics I see in stores; pretty flowers in gardens....
Thanks for the chance to be in to win such a lovely prize. :-)
macska at gmail dot com
I get inspired when I read other people's blogs. It's wonderful seeing all the talented people and their work. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I quilt so that my children and grandchildren will always have something to remind them of how I love them.
Going to guild meetings are a huge inspiration to me. Getting to see in person what others are finishing!! Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Quilting provides a creative outlet for me. It is a way to relieve stress and yet be productive.
I started quilting with friends. I guess it was for the social interaction when my kids were little. Now I am inspired the finished product of beautiful quilts like yours.
EVERYTHING inspires me to sew! Friends, blogs, flickr pictures, beautiful fabrics.... wish something would inspire me to do housework!
I'm inspired to quilt to make lovely items for family and friends. Now I have more inspriation ... I'm retired. I'd love to win your give away as I know I could make lots of great things with it.
My desire for a happy & pretty handmade home inspires me to quilt and sew.
Thank you for the chance!
Thing that inspires me to sew is to carry on the traditions of all the great women that came before me. =) Thanks for the giveaway.
Other blogs inspire me...especially joining quilt alongs and such. =)
thanks for a lovely giveaway.
I love the charm pack you chose. My sewing inspiration comes from my kids. I mostly make clothes with a few other things thrown in now and then. I have done very little quilting, but do home to expand my knowledge and experience with quilting soon. My favorite quilted item I made was a 1st year photo quilt for my daughter.
i am inspired to sew by vintage materials like sheets and doilies. thanks for the chance to win!
So much inspiration. The idea that you can create whatever, and exactly what you want, with a few tools is inspiration in itself to me!
My family. I want to be able to have something of quality to leave as a legacy.
I ♥ making unique gifts for my family and friends!
The power to be creative inspires me!!!
I'm inspired by all of the wonderful blogs! It's amazing how creative everyone is.
Thanks for the chance to win! You can never have too many charm packs- love this one a lot! Just about anything can inspire me- blogs, guild show and tell, quilting groups, magazines, etc, etc- but it's ALWAYS the fabric that's the number one inspiration for me!!!
i'd love a chance to win! what inspires me to quilt is seeing other people's quilts, both online and in real life. it gives me lots of ideas that i'd like to try out for myself!
Oooh I love that charm pack. Pick me please!
Thank you for the chance!
I was first inspired by a friend having a baby but now I'm more inspired by how good it makes me feel to give and others to receive the quilts. I love being creative in a utilitarian way. :)
I don't know what inspires me to quilt. Is it the fabrics? The fantastic blogs? The incredible pull of all these wonderful quilt items I see everywhere? I think it's a combination of all of those items.
I have loved sewing and crafting ever since I was six years old. I'm not exactly sure what inspires me to sew and quilt other than I really love it!
ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com
Wanting to have something unique inspires me to sew. Something I made that is different from everything else!
yobethie (at) hotmail (dot) com
I just like the idea of creating something that can be used for many years to come. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway :)
Inspiring to me would be the colors or a need for something to make
O' I Love this soooo much, keepin fingers crossed I win:)I am not that great at sewing I try..lol...quilting I love to learn but my sewing is not the greatest so I doubt my quilting will do well:)
My grandma tried to teach me to sew when I was a little girl, but didn't have much patience with me so now I'm trying to teach myself after all these years!
I think the biggest thing that inspires me to get crafty is seeing all of the fabulous things online that people all around the world are making. I love to see everyone's interpretations and personalization of a simple concept.
I find a lot of inspiration to sew and knit from historical patterns I find in old books that have been put into online reading format. So much information about the colors and techniques they used.
Thank you for the chance in your give away. :)
My grandma inspired me to sew. I enjoyed making clothes for my kids, then Halloween costumes. Now I am continually inspired when I read blogs and see how many creative people there are. Wow it's fantastic.
Hey Ariane! Yay Giveaway Day! It's just crazy ain't it? What inspires me? My blue bin, that's what. Hope you're having a great day little sis!
I get inspired by all of the bloggers online! They have such great ideas for me!
I love to sew because it brings me to a peaceful place. It relieves a lot of stress for me. My husband is about to deploy for the first time in June, so I will be doing a lot of sewing here soon!!
Love the fabric :)
I get inspired by fabric, colours, texture, friends, the nature..etc.
Hugs from Norway
I'm inspired by all around me. When I first started sewing, I would sew anything and everything. Now that I have the process and techniques down, I'm finally coming up with my own ideas.
thanks for sharing
I'm inspired by fabric. It is so relaxing.
Fabric - beautiful patterns and colors inspire me to quilt.
G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
I'm either inspired by the fabric or by the loved ones in my life that I want to make something special for!
my kids inspire me to create!
It never fails that going into a fabric store and looking at all the pretty prints and colors gets my engine revving to sew/quilt & craft.
What inspires me? Cheesy answer: everything. Life in general. Yeah, some days I am not inspired by anything but others it seems like everything I see I want to photograph and figure out how to recreate it in x-craft, which is whatever craft I happen to be obsessed with at the time.
I am inspired by my kids and by nature. I love the charms packs so much fun to play with!
Quilting not so much, but I use the fabric to make fabric bows.
My kids got me started now I do it because I enjoy it. :)
I get inspired by fabrics...I look at a bundle or a charm pack and start dreaming up what I can make! Thanks for the chance to win!
Jacque in SC
I get inspired by SO many things...the texture of a fabric, a need, getting lost in a flickr pool...
Thank you for the giveaway!
i love when everything is perfect. when the seams and points all line up perfectly! it is like quilters cocaine!
I get inspired by viewing the things other people make--my fingers start twitching, lol.
I saw a little blip on a blog that said "Sewing is my Yoga" and I thought that was awesome. Sewing relaxes me. I have so much craft rolling around in my head, I have to get it out!!
Thanks for the great giveaway items! I love giving handmade gifts, and seeing a person's face when they receive it is what inspires me to sew!
Quilting is something my mother taught me. It makes me feel connected with those who I make quilts for. =)
My daughter inspires me to sew!
My inspiration has always been my daughter. She loves everything I make for her, so it's that much more fun to sew.
limor477 at aol dot com
It is normally my kids that inspire me to create anything. I want to make something fabulous for them, or a gift for one of their friends...or whatever....
amberortega at gmail dot com
My beautiful three daughters inspire me to sew and knit! I love making things for them!
I am inspired by seeing other people's projects.I am always in awe of the creativity that crafty people have ! Thanks for the giveaway !
The endless possibilities of fabric are what inspires me to sew. Quilting is something I haven't been able to get into yet. I still have trouble cutting and sewing straight lines ;) Thanks for the giveaway!
My kids and nieces and nephews inspire me to sew, I love making special gifts for them. Thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Well it all started when I got a job at a quilt shop and became a fabric snob. Not just any old fabric could be used in my quilts no only the best. I love moda prints one of my favs. So everyone gets a quilt even if they don't like them. Quilts for everyone!!!
I am inspired because it comes me to create.
special occasions inspire my quilting (usually). i love making all the gifts i ever give... it adds a personal touch. i'm inspired by a lot of bloggers out there too. there are so many creative people out there!
Beautiful! I am inspired by my amazing daughters!
The colors and the patterns inspire me.
I am inspired by need sometimes, like a bed quilt or a present for someone. Then if it is a gift, then the person's personality and likes, inspire me to create something special, just for them.
I just LOVE fabric!! I want to make some things to leave for me nieces and nephews!
I love to be able to make new things for my kids! I'm always trying to put my own stamp on my home and sewing is a great way to do that!
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
Making practical items beautiful inspires me.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I can't really say that I'm inspired to craft. I'm afraid that it's more of a time filler! Though I can't imagine not doing any.
My daughter inspires me. In addition, I'm driven by the satisfaction that I get in a completed project.
I've always had a creative bent so I don't need much motivation to get going. But a good pattern or an idea on line will get me to bust for my sewing room!
I am inspired by blogs, books, magazines, things I see on tv, etc. I guess a lot of things inspire me. My kids inspire me to sew and/or knit them cute things, cool fabrics inspire me too. Thanks for the giveaway.
What a lovely selection!
Everything I see inspires me to sew/craft! I usually have a notebok full of inspirations as a go to.
Beautiful quilt! Music is what inspires me to sew most of all. It is something I hardly ever turn off! Thanks for the Giveaway!
I'm inspired by the fun of making things that are useful and beautiful, especially for my girls.
Wow, what a great giveaway. I think what inspires me most is walking through an antique mall and seeing all the great old stuff. Of course there is buying going on to ;)
My Mom inspires me. She died of cancer about 6 months ago, and since then I have been sewing like crazy. It makes me feel closer to her, since she loved to sew.
My mind just keeps jumping every time I see something I think I can transform into fabric.
quilt show blogspot alot when i see a quilt on a blogspot page that i like i usually have tomake it
I'd love to win, thanks for the opportunity. I get inspiration from blogs, magazines and the fabric.
what inspires me, you ask...well looking at all the beautiful things that all of you in blogland make gets me excited to make something of my own!
My inspiration changes week to week. Now I'm into owls so I've been owl-themed lately. Last week was tatted lace. Whatever catches my eye!
Color! I'm inspired by color and of course, by all the wonderful talents of my fellow bloggers!
The colorful fabric inspires me, and my Hello Kitty machine esp does! I am trying to get better to compliment my knitting!
My mom is one of my big inspirations when sewing. And then I also get inspired by different bloggers. fransansisco@hotmail.com
thank you for giving me the chance to win /Petra
Oh Ariane! Your blog is so beautiful! Your quilts are amazing. That's what inspires me - wandering around blogs. Thanks for the chance to win.
My nephews inspired me to sew - I love making things for them!
I love seeing all the crafty things that other people make and love to try to recreate some of them.
I'm inspired by my wonderfull partner and wanting to be able to provide for him as a wife one day and then our children!
Thanks for the giveaway
Sarah @ Kiwi Gets Crafty
I just love creating something out of nothing and find many things serve as an inspiration
My kids inspire everything. Great giveaway and such talent - you should be proud! Thanks bunches!
Fabric-I love it! There is nothing like making something, be it clothes or quilts, out of fabrics you really like.
This print came out before I started quilting, but I think it is so lovely!!
I quilt for the relaxation and the serenity! It always makes me happy!
I am inspired by my friend who taught me how to knit. I am constantly impressed by her handiwork and I hope to impress her with my own. Thanks for the chance!
Love the giveaway.
My onlinecraft group i belong to inspires me
My mum inspires me & now that she is really ill, I aim to make as much as I can whilst she is still with us so I can share it all with her.
My kids give me a ton of inspiration . . . but honestly I just really enjoy creating things. I get satisfaction from sewing things for others that few other activities really give me. :)
I quilt for others....I make baby quilts for special needs babies :)
I'd have to say that my daughter is who inspires me the most. Since I didn't really sew before she came along almost a year ago, it MUST be her! Oooh, and charm squares are my new favorite obsession! katiefewell(at)gmail(dot)com
I get inspired by seeing all of the beautiful things that are made in the blog world. I love your Carpenter star quilt. I've never pieced anything that large and it's amazing!
I think what inspires me the most is just trying to use talents God has given me. I love to make things for people and it is so fun too.
everyone's beautiful blogs inspire me!!
thanks for the sweet giveaway!
email is in my profile
or nicmowat (AT) gmail (dot) com
I'm inspired by flowers and plants that I see outdoors. I quilt because it makes me feel good - I have most the emotions listed by prior commenters.
I love sewing for babies and children so I would have to say that my children are the biggest inspiration for the things I make.
Inspriation. Such a HUGE word. I think my inspiration comes from everything around me. I see a color in the world and I want it to be permanent in my life and so I buy it to sew with. =) <3 Thanks for the giveaway!!
I would have to say that it's been my kids that have inspired me to start sewing/knitting/crafting again. Thanks for the great giveaway!
I love architecture and color in nature. Thanks for the giveaway!
I find inspiration in the weather and the way it moves leaves... well today I did...hehe
xo Steph
My daughter inspires me to knit and sew, because she looks so cute in the things I make for her. Also, she has started to request that I make things for her... How can I say "no"?!?!!
Thank you for the opportunity, and feel free to enter my giveaway as well.
I have a fantastic museum near me that always displays a fantastic range of quilts through the ages. The first time i went I knew i had gained a new hobby! I'm no where near as good but i'm improving!
Looking at other quilts and blogs inspires me to quilt. There is so much out there! thanks for the chance!
Great giveaway!! What inspires me to sew? Well it makes me happy and I end up with gifts for my loved ones:)
I am inspired to sew or quilt by imagery, colors and my children.
I´m often inspired to quilt from nature, green grass in the wind for example. Or I´m inspired from the fabric, that speeks to me what to make with it.
Ooh I like your stuff - have put you in my google reader. What inspires me? 1) thinking of all the things my mother made that she doesn't make anymore (she's still around, she just REALLY likes weaving). 2) It's a lot faster than small needlecrafts! 3) I LOVE math, and the geometry in traditional quilts makes me happy (no intentional wonkiness for me). 4) doing something that's been done forever.
I had never seen this fabric... I like it a lot...
I'm inspired because it is a family tradition that I want to keep passing down!
Thanks for a chance to win. :)
zucchinisummer at gmail dot com
I really very much like to sew, because sewing is my rest from big family, possibility to be alone. I'm inspired by loneliness if you wish:)
when my Mom passed I inherited her machines, I decided to continue her work of making items for charities... I don't knit or Crochet like she did, but we both quilted and I now belong to a online charity group and in the past two years I have made and donated 24 quilts, plus tote bags and other small items.. in honor of my mother
I love all the wonderful blogs out there in bloggy land! so inspirational
My children usually inspire my work. A lot of what I make is for them, from mini quilts to applique shirts.
I am inspired by many sources, but music does wonders! It can really get me moving! jinglesells at gmail dot com
I'm mostly inspired by beautiful things that other crafters make...but, shapes and colors do it, too. Thanks for the great chance...I LOVE charm packs!
I'm actually a knitter who wants to start sewing, so my answer is more knitter friendly. ^_^ I just love being able to take a few simple tools (a couple sticks and some yarn) and create something beautiful. Being able to do something with my hands while watching movies definitely helps the cause too. ^_^
I'm inspired to finally see a finished product that I've made myself. I usually give my items away to family and friends. I think they appreciate it.
I'm inspired because it's actually the one thing in life I can FINISH! I have six kiddos and the dishes and the laundry and the homework NEVER stay "done" - a quilt is done once it's done and it stays done! Love the feeling of accomplishment!
Making memories that can be passed down to future generations inspires me to sew!!
My family and Friends inspire me to sew! I love making things for other people!
I am inspired by so many things..books, blogs, patterns, sweet lil grand babes,good pals, fabrics...just love sewing period!
my inspiration comes from others, blogs, etsy, craftster, ect.... love saying I can do that... and then doing it!
Really would love to learn how to quit...my little patch works are some lame compared to what I see on these blogs! But love to do stuff for my family.
what inspires me to quilt is how much I treasure the quilts my mom made for me and I want to leave the same treasures for my kids.
these would make me just happy ! And push me to start quilting, what a challange !
Sewing and quilting is a huge family tradition and I love to continue it!
What an adorable sewing kit holder!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My inspiration is the finished item, the feeling of satisfaction when it's finished and I can say "I made that"
Thanks for the chance.
Kids, Colors, Music, and Nature inspires me to sew and craft.
Love your giveaway!
I love everything in your giveaway.
My inspiration is blog world and so many lovely blogs like yourself.
Gorgeous giveaway Ariane....what inspires me...I think the main inspiration is "blogging'.....so much out there it is awesome...
My kids inspire me. I love to create for them and I want them to become creative people
I'm simply inspired by everything I see in this amazing world! Nature, the people around me, music.... simply everything.
jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com
i'm inspired by the opportunity to give presents to people (weddings, birthdays, births, etc.) and other people's beautiful creations.
I am inspired by fabric!! Thanks for the giveaway!
My kids inspired me to start sewing and all of the possibilities are what keeps me sewing!
Color inspires me to quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!
Sewing is my chance to zone out... it gives me a quick fix of creativity so that I can get through the day of toddler fun!
I enjoy making gifts for those I love and who they are and what they like inspires me. Thanks.
I am most inspired when I'm making something for my kids.
Great giveaway! Quilting is my therapy. I am inspired when I see lovely samples made up on other blogs or at my LQS. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day.
I love your giveaways. The fabric is beautiful. From a small child fabric and thread has grabbed my attention (believe I could start a shop I have so much fabric, but I keep seeing more!!!). Love tackling anything that is beautiful.
I am inspired by structures.. this are often structures you can find in nature. At the beginning of the 20th century Ernst haekel published a book "Kunstformen der Natur" (art structures of nature) where he had a lot of drawings with unexpected beauty and structures to find :) Only to look through his drawings gives me a lot of new ideas! :)
Your needle case is really sweet and I love especially this charm pack!
Thank you for the giveaway. I'm not the quilted my mother is I'm the computer person. She loves to quilt she sews just about every day. Jackets, handbags, quilts and so on. We do craft shows and are getting ready
To sell online. She had her shoulder replaced this past November and it drover her nuts doing nothing.
Ladyblueeyez1960 at aol dot com
there's a lot that inspires me, but my family is one of them! They're who got me started quilting and I love that it's something I can share with them
i love the part where you give something to someone, and they say 'where did you get it' and you get to tell them you made it. :)
I'm a practical sewer, I made it if I need it or can use it!
i almost exclusively sew things for my kids. I will be stuck for ideas when they grow up!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Well, i have to said my aunt is my inspiration for sewing.. She loves to sew dress, bag and skirt for me :) But, now she sewed for her daughter :(, so i have to sew for myself...
Inspiration hits at different times ... be it fun, bright colors, a really cool quilt pattern or a line of fabric that I just have to have. Heaven help me!! :) Your sewing kit is very nice and thank you for participating in this year's SMS giveaway!
the urge of wantign to create somethign keeps me goign
thanks for the giveaway
Sewing/crafting keeps me sane. Not sure if that's the same as inspiration, but it's true.
it used to be books but nowadays i think the blogs provide so much inspiration.
I started sewing because I just like creating things. These days, I sew because it is so wonderful to have the satisfaction of having made something just the way I want it, in a size that fits or in the colors I love most. Everything inspires and I am especially loving the blogs I am finding lately!!! Blogging is addictive:) Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway:) LOVE the carpenter's star quilt!!!
My grandmothers - they are so crafty!
My grandmother inspires me to quilt.. I am trying ot soak up as much knowledge and wisdom from her as I can! thanks for the chance to win!
Hi and thank you for your giveaway and have a good week.
I love the housewife! I'm inspired to sew things that I can't find in stores--skirts that are long enough, for instance. ;) And quilts where I am able to choose the colors. Things like that. Thank you so much for the lovely giveaway!
Fabric and colour inspire me
Just love the red and white needle case
Cutness inspires me to create. I like to take what is beautiful already and make it fun, as well. To help bring a smilt to other people's faces.
Blogs inspire me and looking at my stash (: Thanks for a great giveaway! izazbz at yahoo dot com
Great Giveaway, thanks for the chance !
Greetings from Munich (Germany),
I find inspiration everywhere - blogs, books, even just touching my supplies. My main source of inspiration is my friend Deana, who has such energy and creativity that it is impossible to not be motivated.
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