Today my daughter was participating in the regional track and field meet. So, I spent the entire morning with her and watched her events. When she was done competing, I decided to stop at Value Village to see what I could find. I was very fortunate to find two seperate bags of quilting fabric. They were $0.99 each. I couldn't really see everything that was in the bags. But I thought they are probably just scraps, and I love scraps so why not. I was soooo surprised when I got home to find that one of the bags had about 40 pre-cut 6 inch squares, with some other scraps of quitling cottons, and the second bag had a long strip of the same 6 inch squares sew together as the start of a quilt top and more pre-cut squares. Well, I decided to unstitch the sewn squares because the seams were very uneven. When I counted all the squares I had 74. Wow, for $2.00, I got enough squares to make a small twin quilt top. I was so excited. The great thing is that these are very nice quilting cottons. I even have some of these prints in my stash. Yeah for me!!!

There were also two nice pieces of quilting cottons in the second bag. The first was a red and the other was a nice pale green print with beautiful red flowers on it. I think it's a japanese print. I also bought a beautiful flat full size sheet in a nice turquoise (aqua) blue. It has really nice flowers on it and is in amazing condition.

This was a really good day. I am feeling a lot better now. Tomorrow I have to go back to the track and field meet for my middle son who is competing in the regional track and field events for his age group. Well, it's been a busy day.
Today is the last chance to enter the giveaway. You have until midnight tonight (eastern time) to enter.
Well, I hope you all have a good day.
Happy Stitching!!
Ariane :o)
What is a Value Village, is it like a trift shop? I keep forgetting to check our local thrift shop for fabric or sheets...what a great do get great ideas from following other's blogs!:)
Wow what a score! i'm green!
Congrats on the lucky find. I love a good thrift store.
How do I enter the giveaway? Please enter me if this is the way to go about entering. Thanks!
we have a Value Village about an hour and 1/2 away. I get to check it out every 6 weeks when my son has his orthodontist appts.
You ended up with a great find!!
Great stuff you got! Checking out the thrift stores has been another thing on my to do list. I have seen a lot of bloggers get great stuff from them. As always, if only there were more time.
Great find! The squares will make a very pretty quilt!
I think the best retail therapy is when it involves fabric and a bargain!
Lucky finds!
This is my first visit to your blog... and when I read about your squares bargain I thought of this website I also just discovered this week...
she has a great video on how to... maybe you will find it useful? ;)
I'll be back...stop by and see my blog also. ;) Love from Texas! ~bonnie
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