Friday, June 12, 2009

100th Post Giveaway!!!

Hi everyone, I know I haven't blogged in a few days. I'm still not feeling that well. But I'm trying to remain positive. One positive thing is that this is my 100th post. I can't believe it. I am really enjoying having a blog and following all the other crafty blogs out there. I have so many blogs in my blog lists and I keep adding to them everytime I find a new interesting blog. So to celebrate, I'm having a giveaway! Now, I didn't feel well enough to make something, but I still wanted to have a giveaway. So, I decided to cut a bunch of 5 inch blocks out of fabrics from my stash. I've cut 69 - 5 inch blocks. They are all different. That's not all my stash either. So I may add more, but I'm not sure yet. They are not all co-ordinating fabrics. When I buy fabrics they are usually fat quarters. I buy them because I like them, not because I always have a project in mind. I make a lot of scrap quilts. Those are the types of quilts I love the most. So this method of buying fabric suits me fine. So, the rules are pretty simple.

1) Leave a comment on this post telling something happy. I need some happy stories.

2) If you blog about it, I will give you another ballot. You must leave another comment though to let me know.

3) The draw will close on Wednesday June 17th. and I will draw ONE winner on Thursday, June 18th.
4) You must leave a way for me to contact you, either by your blog or by email. If I cannot contact you I will draw another name.
The winner will be drawn with I hope lots of people leave comments. Help me celebrate my 100th post.
Happy Stitching!!
Ariane :o)


Rie said...

Congrats on your 100th post & I hope you feel better soon!
I have a joke for you - it probably won't make you laugh, I guess it all depends on how sick you are!!
Q. What's brown & sticky?
wait for it...........
A. A stick!

Becky said...

Ariane! Congrats on your 100th post!

I wish you felt better. If you lived closer I'd bring over some cake and soup and a good movie to watch from under your blanket.

Tomorrow Hubby and I will spend most of the day at Raleigh (NC) Downtown Live. Usually we prefer more laid back (and air conditioned!!) music venues BUT tomorrow Son's band, 100 Yorktown (100yorktown [dot]net) is appearing on the 2nd stage!!

The 2nd Stage holds the band that will play ALL day in between all the acts on the Main Stage. The headliner for the day is a nationally known band, Filter. Many, many local bands have gotten recording contracts from their appearances on 2nd Stage.

We are very excited for Son and his buddies who have held this band together since high school and through college. They write all their own rock'n'roll. Son is the lead singer.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on your 100th post. I was so lucky to have my great niece spend the day with me yesterday. She is a little doll and it was so fun to have a baby around for the day.

Lee D said...

OOOOhhhh a give-a-way! happy blooming, blue sky, green grass and the official first day of summer is just a week away. I can't wait to sit back and relax a bit after a hectic spring! I also look forward to seeing my girls on stage for their year end dance recital on Sunday! cheers
p.s. I was just in ON last week!

Unknown said...

We just moved to Washington state two months ago, and it has been hard to make friends and stuff, mostly cause I am a stay at home wife. Anyways I have made some great friends at church and in the quilting group. Tomorrow we have a potential visitor coming over to visit and then in two weeks I get to go to VA to see my family (dancing around the room from excitement). The day I get back from that trip we have friends coming from Chicago to visit!

So as hard and lonely as it is I am excited about friends coming to visit and hopefully keeping the new friends I have made at church. There is much happiness when there are friends nearby. :)

You make some really cute things. I have enjoyed reading your blog on my google reader. :)


Hope you have a great day/weekend/week! :)

Dresden Quilter said...

Let's hope picks #1! My happy story is that I am having my own personal quilting retreat this weekend. My husband has to do refinish the deck so my children are with their parents. I am going to have time to catch up on the swaps I have agreed to, plus visit the shop hop. The fabrics are gorgeous and I hope you are feeling better.

Julie said...

I love other peoples stash fabrics, always so different to my own, very inspiring. My happy story is that the sun is shining here and there isn't a cloud in the sky, it is about 20c the beginning of our winter, and I am listening to some of my favourite music while I play in my sewing room. What could be happier than that? Off to post a link to your blog to earn myself another go at the giveaway!!!!

Lisa @ Life with 4! said...

Oh Ariane! I would love to get some of those squares from your stash!
/something happy....
making new friends through blogs. It's so much fun "meeting" ladies with similar interests & similar families as your own.
Have a wonderful day. Hope you feel better soon.

Maggie said...

Something happy... Today is the first day in almost a month that I've been able to sew. I cut a quilt this evening that I hope to finish up tomorrow.

Thanks for hosting this great giveaway. Happy 100!

carmel said...

congrats on the 100 post!
i also have lots and lots of blogs {including yours} that i follow every day thruogh googel reader. and its great! it makes me sew less and sit infront of the computer more and more... :-)
thanks for the give away
and please- feel better!

carmel said...

and i blogged about your giveaway

Treasuresofjoy said...

I am happy with sewing and FABRIC.
Happy 100th!
I just said to my husband that I need a machine upgrade and that my machine has almost solely been used to bless others with gifts including my daughter.

Laurel said...

Something happy... well, I have recently been so re-invigorated by all the wonderful quilting inspiration the 'net has to offer. It's time for me to start working on some new quilts!

Laurel said...

Just posted about this on my blog. Thanks for having such a neat giveaway!

dolores said...

Happy's mine....My daughter just graduated Magna Cum Laude from WVU and was accepted at GMU grad son just found a husband's business is picking up steam again and I have found new joy in quilting from discovering all these great inspiring crafting blogs online.....I have a constant smile on my face because being creative is such a joy!:) How's that for happy?!:)

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congrats on 100 posts! I hope that all these comments bring you lots of smiles. (((hugs)))

Joan A. said...

Happy 100th! Looking forward to the Snickerdoodle Paper Bag Swap! I LOVE blogs; thanks for sharing yours with all of us. THAT makes ME happy! Have a great day filled with sunshine and happy thoughts! Joan :-)

Bonnita said...

Happy 100th post! I hope you are feeling better also. I actually had a free day to myself, so I went around to my local thrifts and found some very nice embroidered pieces to add to my crafting pile. WooHoo!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

Happy 100th post!

The happiest story I can think of is about my newest daughter. Her name is Maribeth Rose and she is the sweetest baby. I have 4 other children too who are also great, but Maribeth is so very special as she was born after losing two other pregnancies in my second trimesters. I am so very thankful for her, and she surely makes me happy.

You can see a picture of her here on my blog:

Please enter me in your drawing.


Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog here:

Jingle said...

Congrats on your milestone! That is exciting!!! Hmmm...something happy....well, my husband just found out that he passed his teaching exams, so that is happy for us! LOL! And, it is a beautiful day, so that is worth being happy about, too! I hope you do get to feeling better soon!

Kelly O. said...

Here's a joke:
a blonde woman gets up from her seat in economy and walks to the front of the plane to first class and sits down.
The stewardess, puzzled, asks for her ticket which of course says economy class.
to which the woman replies "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to fly first class to Houston."
Not wanting to cause a scene the stewardess speaks with her co-worker who also tries to send the woman back to economy only to be greeted with the same phrase "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to fly first class to Houston".
Not wanting to be responsible for any upset, they take the matter to the head pilot.
He furrows his brow and heads to first class, with an obvious plan. The Pilot reaches first class and introduces himself.
The woman armed and at the ready, again says "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to fly first class to Houston".
The Pilot smiles and in reply whispers in her ear. At that, the woman organizes her things and walks back to her seat in economy and sits down.
The stewardesses and co-pilot look on at the pilot in wonder as he returns to the cockpit with a grin on his face.
"What did you whisper to her to change her mind so quickly?" they wondered.
The pilot gives a knowing look and replies "I just told her that first class wasn't flying to Houston."

One of my faves!
Hope you feel better soon :)

Kelly O. said...

just posted this on my blog as well.

Mare said...

Congrats on your 100th Post! Woot Woot! I hope you feel better soon.

I just started sewing my 3rd quilt today! YAY! My Mom taught me how to quilt last year. I don't know why I resisted so long. But the best thing about quilting is spending time with my Mom. :)

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Well done on 100 posts! Sory to hear you have been unwell and hope you feel brighter soon! My happy thought for the day is our new neighbours gave us a big job of fresh honey. I am thinking up some honey recipes:)

Simply Mangerchine said...

Congrats on your 100th post! Please feel better! I got to go fabric shopping yesterday and can't wait to start some new projects with the goodies I purchased!

T@iy@ said...

We gave our 16 month old daughter her first taste of ooey-gooey s'more last night... it was all over her face and her clothes- but she looovvveeedddd it! She is usually always my happy thought. :)

Barbara said...

Congratulations on your 100th post.
Happiness is in the eye of the beholder, right? My smile for the day, was my 7 month old puppy. As I was using the hose around the house today, I apparently made a mud puddle. She sprung into it and did this little happy dance. I now have a brown - golden retriever, but couldn't be mad, she was just too happy!
On a side note, if your my husband - happiness is the new grill he just finished putting together.
Keep Happy and Keep Posting.

Valerie said...

I was going to comment yesterday, but I didn't have anything happy to say. Today is another day, it's warm and breezy and the wind is bringing in the smell of my neighbour's barbeque through my open window and I realize that even when everything else is kind of crappy there is still joy to be found in the little things.

Feel better!

Di said...

Congratulations on your 100h post, Ariane - and I really hope you feel better soon. What makes me happy is my little 2 yr old granddaughter, especially when she smiles!

Tanya said...

Congrats on your 100th post!

My happy thought of the day? It's summertime, which to me means lots of roses in bloom in my garden, little baby cucumbers getting bigger by the day and my first handful of bush beans last night. YUM! :)

PatchworkRose said...

Something to Laugh about which always makes you feel better. My DS is 16 tomorrow and there he was last night sitting behind the wheel of my Manual car -my pride and joy- going through the gears and making revving noises. you guessed it as soon as he finishes school tomorrow he is off to the motor Registration to get his licence and take her out for his first lesson with Dad behind as passenger as he reckons I would be too worried about the car to be useful!
Boys!! Don't you love them!
Take Care and get well soon.
Those fabrics of yours are gorgeous.

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations on your 100th post! I am happy to meet new blogger friends from around the world like you! What a great source of creative inspiration and encouragement :-)


Sandy said...

Congrats on your 100th post...great pair of shorts for your daughter! Love the colors.

Dresden Quilter said...

I posted about your blog on mine. My happy thought of the day is the peanut butter chocolate cake slice I am going to treat myself to at lunch time.

Jenna Z said...

I just found out a Habitat for Humanity house will be boult in our neighborhood. I contacted them to see how I could help. I just got the go ahead to make a pink quilt for the 9 year old daughter to go in her pink bedroom! I'm so excited!!

EB said...

I hope you feel better. Happy thought, my little one has a new tooth! He gave me the cutest smile and some wet kisses. =) Do you remember when your kids had theirs?

Anonymous said...

Your stash sounds just like mine! I love scrappy quilts too! Congrats on your 100th post! Here's to many more!

~~Deby said...

oh...I just heard about this great giveaway..congrats on your 100th post...

Happy thought...
for me today it is...God is ALWAYS good...always...
and I am taking a sewing class this learn my machine I bought a year ago...and have not sewn on...shame on me....
yesipray at gmail dot com

Potpourri said...

I am so happy because I have both my parents still living, my Mom will e 90 on Saturday and Dad in October, my children and grandchildren are so lucky to have them to know and love.
Congratulations on your 100th post.

jethree At gmail dot com

Pam said...

I can't beat the post above about God is ALWAYS very true. Something that makes me happy during the long hot days of summer is time spent in my sewing room creating whatever in air-conditioned comfort:) Feel better soon.

lesthook said...

Congrats! Happy thought? Shopping with my granddaughter!