Hi everyone,

Today, I spent the day helping hang quilts for the Quilts Kingston 2012 quilt show.
My son Lucas and my daughter Brittany helped me out all day.
We spent from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, hanging quilts.
My husband and my sister Michele came out to help out
in the morning for a few hours as well.

But, I was so impressed with how well the two kids did.
They were so great and really did a ton of work.

If you live in our area, you must come to the show this weekend.
It's at the Royal Kingston Curling Club on Days road.
Such a beautiful facility for this event.
The boutique of handmade goods for sale is just amazing and the merchant mall as well!!!
I'll be volunteering at the show all weekend.
I'm an executive member of my guild
and being that this is the first quilt show that I help out with.....
Let me just say that it's a ton of work, but also rewarding work.
I hope to see you at the show this weekend.

Enjoy girl!!
Sounds like you deserve it!!
What fun to have your children join you....
I hope your show goes well! It's hard work putting on a quilt show, but the rewards are worth it.
Hi Ariane,
I'm just getting into the social technology thing. Great blog! Good luck with the show. The Common Thread Quilt Guild in Orleans/Ottawa had their show a few weeks ago. My daughter and I volunteered Sat and Sunday. It was a lot of fun. p.s. love the top! I've started taking commercial patterns and putting them together. I usually make them from fabric that I don't mind throwing out (heavily discounted fabricland stuff), that way, there's no expectation. If it doesn't fit half way through, I can chuck it! and when it does fit, I make a few.
Gorgeous quilts...... and those helpers .. adorable!
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