Hi everyone!!
I want to thank you all for all the wonderful comments about the top I made myself.
I haven't had that many comments in a long time, and it really means a lot to me.
Today, I helped my daughter Brittany finish her book report quilt top.
She decided to make a quilt for a book report on "The Lost Quilter" by Jennifer Chiaverini.

She did all the drawings for the blocks.
Then she transferred the drawings to fabric using the light box method.
She outlined her drawings with ultra fine Sharpie permanent marker and used colouring pencils to colour them.
She then painted on textile medium over the coloured areas of her blocks.
I then heat set them all for her.
I cut 1.5 inch strips of the fat quarters she selected from my stash.
She picked ones from my reproduction stash.
She then sashed each block with one of the 12 fabrics she chose.
With my help, I showed her how to pin the blocks together and sew them.
She sewed the first border to the top.
I'm the one who pieced and sewed the outer border to the top for her.
This part was a bit trickier for her.

I'm really amazed at how well this quilt top turned out.
Her drawings are so good for her age (12).
It was a fun project to watch her do.
It really made me proud, that she wanted to do this.
Especially knowing how much I love quilting.
And like she told me tonight: " I did good, eh Ma!!! I didn't give up on this project!!"
I laughed when she said that.
Now all we have to do is baste it and quilt it.
Not tonight though, I'm too tired!!

You must be one very proud mom! What a beautiful quilt, what a great project... and fabulous illustrations!
Congratulations to both of you!
That is totally awesome!
The quilt will be a precious memory for years/generations to come. It's very special and beautiful!
What a wonderful quilt and beautiful work she did on the blocks. It is so nice that you could work on a project with her and she should be proud of herself.
That is a great effort - congratulations to your daughter!
Holy cow! That is the awesome-est book report EVER! Love it. She did a great job. And kudos to mama, too! A great team effort. :)
Wow what a wonderful job she did and her work is just beautiful. Please say congratulations to her for a job well done she should be proud and you to.
Wow. I'm impressed. What a great project to start her onto a life of creativity.
It's amazing! She with your help did a wonderful job!
wow- thats a great job!
good work~
Wow, you guys did such a great job! I love all her drawings. She's going to get an A+ for sure!
It is beautiful. She is a very talented artist!
What a fabulous quilt! She is such a smart girl to take a book report to the next level! And what a supportive mother you are! Congratulations to the two of you!
What a wonderful thing to have accomplished. You will have that treasure of a quilt forever. I want one!!
What a fantastic project! A+ for sure!
Wonderful project and a treasure for sure!
:) Carolyn
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