Wow! It's been a while since I've posted. I've been very busy working and spending time with the family. This weekend I was off work and we had a great weekend together as a family. We went out together many times and it was really great. It was a lot of fun.
On Friday, the LQS's were having their annual shop hop. I wasn't planning on going, but decided at the last minute to go. I put the kids off to school and drove to Brockville and stopped at the two shops there. Then I drove to Harrowsmith and then back to Kingston. I stopped at all 5 quilt shops. They were selling a kit at each shop, to put a quilt together. But it wasn't really my taste. So instead I bought a quilt book at each shop and some fabric. I really enjoyed doing this and bought books I had wanted for a while.
I bought fabrics that were on sale, or ones I just really liked. Some are fat eighths, fat quarters and the larger piece is a metre cut. That one is for my Sew Modern Bee quilt.

You can tell that I love all kinds of different styles of fabric.
I also joined the "Between Charming Friends" Quilt Along. My daughter "B-Sew cute" and I will be doing this together. She wanted to use the two charm packs she received. I thought this project would be easy enough for her to tackle.
I will be using two charm packs of "Make Life."
B-Sew cute will be using two charm packs of "Sweet".
I ordered some aqua fabric for her to use as the background fabric.
She didn't want to use white.
So, once she gets her fabric we will be cutting our fabric.
I'm excited to do this project with her. It should be a lot of fun.
We are making the small version of the quilt.
We are going to be quilting along with Kelly @ Charming Chatter.
Well, I hope you have a great night.