Hi everyone,

I've been organizing myself to get some projects completed next year.
I did quite well in 2016 finishing some old UFO's.
I'm hoping that in 2017 I can do the same and maybe even get rid of my UFO list.
I thought I would list the projects I really want to finish in the next 12 months.
The last time I worked on this quilt was in August 2011.
It's a quilt top and just needs batting, backing and to be quilted.
This should be an easy one to finish.
The last time I worked on this quilt was in September 2010.
This project was started in July 2010.
I have 5 blocks completed of 9.
I have all the patterns except for block 9.
I'm going to have to get that one.
This is hand embroidery.
The last time I worked on this quilt was in March 2013.
This project was started in April 2009.
I am sewing these block into panels and doing quilt-as-you-go.
I have one panel all quilted and another panel partially quilted.
I'm working on this quilt as we speak.
I started this quilt in March 2015.
It's my hand stitching project.
I'm really just at the beginning as I'm still on rosette #1.
I figure this project could take me most of the year, so I'm working on it now.
5 - Rectangle Square Civil War Quilt
I started this quilt in the summer of 2012.
I have some blocks completed.
This quilt doesn't have much progress on it though.
But I have all my fabrics together, and ready to sew.
I made these blocks in October of 2012.
I have 2 blocks, and have patterns for more.
But, I'm not sure if I'm going to make a quilt with them or just cushion covers.
7 - Allietare quilt by Bonnie K. Hunter
I never blogged about this quilt as I started to follow her quilt-along and quickly fell off the wagon.
I only have part of step 1 done. I do want to finish this quilt though as I love the pattern.
8 -365 Challenge quilt, Block a day, 2016
I have the blocks done up to the end of March.
Then I stopped, and lost my motivation.
I do want to finish this quilt and intend to work on it in 2017.
9- 1930's farmers wife quilt
I have about a dozen blocks done of this quilt.
I would like to get it done this year.
I'm getting close to having a finished top.
This should be an easy finish, as I love this quilt.
11- Idaho Square Dance Quilt by Bonnie K. Hunter
I have the 25 Idaho Square dance blocks done.
I need to start making the log cabin blocks.
12 - En Provence Quilt Along by Bonnie K. Hunter
I just started this quilt.
I do plan to work on it in between other projects.
Many of these quilts cannot be done over one month. They need several months of continuous work to get completed. So, I will try to organize my time to work on several quilts at once.
When I have a sewing day, pick one project to advance on that day and do as much as I can. The hand sewing quilts will be worked on in the evening when my husband wants me to sit with him and watch TV. The two hand sewing projects on my list are the Millefiore quilt and the Gifts of Grace quilt.
I also want to make a few rainbow quilts with my scraps.
I have some 16 patch blocks that I started two years ago.
I want to use up my scraps as much as possible,
so I will try to participate in the RSC 2017 hosted by
So Scrappy.
I like to have some mindless sewing sometimes. So this will be able to fill that need.
I want to make some donation quilts with these.
This is a lot of projects. I can't promise that I won't start any new ones either, as I love to start new projects. It's often what keeps me motivated to sew. But, I am going to continue to try to use up my stash as much as possible, and keep my purchases to a minimum. I usually only need to purchase backings and batting as I don't have a stash of large pieces of fabrics. This is going to be hard for me. I didn't buy a lot of fabric in 2016. And I really missed buying new stuff. I tried to only by fabric on sale. My daughter is going to University in September of 2017. I need to save big time as it is very expensive. So, It's important that I stick to this goal.