I'm so glad to finally share this finished quilt top. Considering I designed this in March of this year and I have a top done is pretty good for me. I have about 20 quilt designs that I've never made into quilts yet.

I've been working night shifts this week. I don't work nights very often as I'm usually able to find someone to switch with. But not this week. It a lot more effort for me to get it done, since I was so tired. I was in a time crunch to finish this for Wednesday's guild meeting. I'm introducing this quilt as next years BOM. I won't have it quilted by Wednesday, but that's okay.
I hope you like it.
I've put in a lot of hours on this one, from making the design to writing instructions. Wow it's a lot of work!
It looks wonderful. Now you can take a breather!
How exciting! It's such a lovely quilt. The rich ruby amd sapphire colours. Will you quilt it yourself Ariane?
This is a beautiful quilt. What a lovely quilt for your guild's BOM. Will be sharing the directions on your blog for an online BOM? I've got to plan way ahead to work in everything I want to do. Happy sewing!
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