Sunday, January 31, 2010
My January finishes for OPAM
I hope you all had a great day. I just got home from work. I had a pretty good day. I am a bit tired. I plan to make a few blocks tonight that I am exchanging at my local quilt guild. I just wanted to show you my January finishes for the OPAM challenge. I did really well this month, with 5 finished projects. Here they are:
Friday, January 29, 2010
A few works in progress....
The last couple of days, I have done a little bit of sewing on different projects. I finished the Woodland Bloom Quilt top for my daughters room. This is a queen size quilt. It measure 99 inches by 80 inches. This is the biggest quilt top I have ever made. I am a bit scared to quilt this monster on my little domestic machine. But I will get it done.
The next project I have been working on is my hexagon star quilt. I have not worked on this quilt in quite a while. This top is all hand pieced. It will also be a queen size quilt. I have 9 more rows to do. I have about 60 stars made that just need to have the white border put on. I do love this one. I did not iron it before I took the picture. So it looks a bit shabby.
Tonight I decided to play a bit with my little 1 1/2 inch half square triangles that I had leftover from one of my quilts. I made a tiny little zig zag block. Isn`t it cute? The finished squares are 1 inch.
Well, I did not finish anything. But I did get some work done. I am working all weekend. So, I am only going to get a bit done. I hope you all have a nice weekend.
Ariane :o)
Monday, January 25, 2010
Ghest Blogger.....My daughter.....B-Sew cute!!!!
Finally I finished my quilt top! It took so long and I really wanted to finish it. Well I`m very glad! I got my mom to line up all the seams and pin it so I could quilt it. Tonight I decided to keep the blank blocks(used to be stars) blank. So anyway I should stop talking cause everyone keeps saying I talk too much, so anyhow, here`s the finished quilt top.
I made this top by cuting 36 blocks in small rectangles and sewed all the small blocks in rows of 3 for each block. Then sewed them together in the strips and then sewed them all together to make the quilt top. Now all I need to do is get some yardage for binding and the backing fabric.
I was thinking of using flannel for the backing, because ......I won`t lie..... I absolutely love flannel. It is so soft and awesome for making a quilt. But I am still not sure I guess I`ll have to wait and see.!!!!!Hugs
!!!B-Sew cute :o)!!!
To all quilters out there don`t stop quiltin.... it is awesome and fun. And enjoy my moms blog because I think it is awesome. Oh ya I forgot if you think this is my mom it is her 10 year old daugther...B-Sew cute!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Another little bag!!
I hope everyone had a good day. I did a lot of running around today. But this morning I sewed another little bag. I took a picture of the two bags together. Don`t they look cute!!!
When I did my 1 year anniversary giveaway, I drew two extra names. I did not know what I was going to give them. So I made these two little bags. I hope Deb and Lisa like them. They are really cute. I had a lot of fun making them. I put them in the mail today.
I wish everyone a wonderful evening.
Ariane :o)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My daughters quilt top progress, a bag and my siggy blocks!!
I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I did get some sewing done today. First, I adjusted the sleeves on my MIL`s new winter coat. The sleeves were too long and the opening too big. So, I fixed it for her. She was very happy.
After she left, I started working on a little bag. I was still working on it when my daughter got home from school. She wanted to keep working on her Blush quilt top that she had started the night before. She had 36 rail blocks sewn and just needed to start sewing them into rows with the plain blocks. She did all the sewing on these blocks herself. She did do some of the ironing, but I did have to go over the blocks too myself. I cut out all the strips for her. I am not yet comfortable with her using my rotary cutter. I want her to keep all her fingers. She sewed all the blocks in rows. All she has to do is sew the rows together. I think she is doing really well. She is so excited about sewing with me. We were like two peas in a pod, last night and today. Two sewing machines on the table and us sewing at the same time. She talked non-stop the entire time and I had a big smile on my face. It was a lot of fun. So here are the rows she sewed today.
I made a little bag while she was sewing. Its nice to make little projects that can be done in one day. I used some Jennifer Paganelli -Dance with me, fabric to make the bag. It is so bright and cheery. I really like it. I used a vintage button on it. It adds a little bling to the bag.
Last night, I worked on my modern siggy blocks. I have half of them done. These are so cute. I just love these blocks. I think I am going to make myself more blocks like this for a more vintage quilt. These are so fast to make. I love them.
I have enjoyed my two days off. I have one more to go, then back to work for 6 days. hopefully I will have the chance to sew a bit more tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff to do though. So, we will see.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Potholder Pass Swap Inspiration
I joined the Potholder Pass Swap and thought I would share some inspiration from flickr. These are also good projects for all the people involved in the strings challenge too.

1. Selvage Potholders, 2. Pink and Green Patchwork Potholder, 3. potholder, 4. Quilted Potholder, 5. Valentine's day potholders, 6. quilted potholders, 7. quilted potholder (kitchen art), 8. Red Potholders, 9. More potholders!, 10. Potholders, 11. Navy blue w/heart potholder set, 12. blue designer potholders, 13. quilted patchwork potholders, 14. Patchwork potholder, 15. potholder 001, 16. 1st Pity Potholder, 17. lizs_potholders_front, 18. Potholders, 19. Potholders, 20. Maple leaf potholder

1. Selvage Potholders, 2. Pink and Green Patchwork Potholder, 3. potholder, 4. Quilted Potholder, 5. Valentine's day potholders, 6. quilted potholders, 7. quilted potholder (kitchen art), 8. Red Potholders, 9. More potholders!, 10. Potholders, 11. Navy blue w/heart potholder set, 12. blue designer potholders, 13. quilted patchwork potholders, 14. Patchwork potholder, 15. potholder 001, 16. 1st Pity Potholder, 17. lizs_potholders_front, 18. Potholders, 19. Potholders, 20. Maple leaf potholder
My daughter`s fabric!!
I hope everyone is having a great day. I have been working the last five days. I did not do any sewing during that time. But I am off today. Yeah!!!! I am taking it easy today. I might get some sewing done tonight. I have just been catching up on my laundry and cleaning.
My daughter got some money at Christmas time and she wanted to buy some charm packs. She went online and looked at a bunch of different fabric shops to see what they had. She found what she wanted and showed me. She had chose 2 charm packs of Blush by Basic Grey. She loves modern fabrics. The yardage has not yet come out for this new collection. It is really great. I was looking through the charm packs and I just love it. She has such great taste.
I ordered these charm packs from The Sproutz Store on etsy. We got this package quite quickly since it came all the way from Utah. I am very pleased with there service. I like the fact that the shipping to Canada was reasonable. Sometimes it is so expensive. I certainly will order from there again. I actually already have. I ordered myself two charm packs of Make Life... by Sweetwater. I just could not resist. I should get them soon too.
If I get any sewing done, I will come back and share it later.
Ariane :o)
My daughter got some money at Christmas time and she wanted to buy some charm packs. She went online and looked at a bunch of different fabric shops to see what they had. She found what she wanted and showed me. She had chose 2 charm packs of Blush by Basic Grey. She loves modern fabrics. The yardage has not yet come out for this new collection. It is really great. I was looking through the charm packs and I just love it. She has such great taste.
I ordered these charm packs from The Sproutz Store on etsy. We got this package quite quickly since it came all the way from Utah. I am very pleased with there service. I like the fact that the shipping to Canada was reasonable. Sometimes it is so expensive. I certainly will order from there again. I actually already have. I ordered myself two charm packs of Make Life... by Sweetwater. I just could not resist. I should get them soon too.
If I get any sewing done, I will come back and share it later.
Ariane :o)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
My Madeline quilt top is done
Hi everyone!
I hope you all had a great day.
Today was my last day off.
I go back to work tomorrow.
So, I took a "me" day today.
I relaxed this morning.
Then I went out to lunch with Michelle (Dresden Quilter).
It was our first lunch out together, so that was nice.
Then I went to a couple LQS and looked around at what they had.
I bought a few fat quarters, but that's it.
I then came home and made supper.
After supper was done I decided to work on
my January Schnibbles quilt top.
We are doing the Madeline pattern this month.
I used two Aster Manor charm packs for my top.
I really like that fabric line.
I might buy more in order to make this quilt top bigger.
I haven't decided yet. This top is only 28"x28".
So it is quite small. It's really cute that way though too.
So I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet.
I'm glad I got this top done early this month.
That way I don't have the pressure to do it at the last minute.
Well, I hope you all have a good night.
Hugs Ariane
Saturday, January 9, 2010
A great day and a redo
Hi Everyone! I had a wonderful day today.
I spent the day with my sister's family.
We all went skating on a pond at a local conservation area.
Then, we took a walk in the woods. It was nice and sunny and cold.
But there was no wind. It was great to get some fresh air.
Then we all went back to my sister's house to have hot chocolate and some lunch.
My sister's husband loves to bake.
So he got the kids to help him make some old fashioned home made donuts.
Hmmmmm!!!! They were so good.
We also played some games with the kids.
I really needed to have a fun day like that, with no pressure.
It was a lovely day.
(Above: This is my woodland bloom quilt top as of today.)
Tonight, I worked on one of my Woodland Bloom quilt.
This is one of the UFO's I was commited to finish this year.
I had made a quilt top with this fabric last year and I hated it.
I just couldn't work on it to finish it. It wasn't well put together.
It was just a mess in my opinion. So last week I took it apart.
Tonight I worked on getting the center panel of the quilt done.
So now I just have to figure out what kind of border to use.
This is going to be a queen size quilt.
My daughter has a double bed in her room and I like the quilt to hang down low.
So I hope you like the changes.
I like it a lot better now and I can't wait to be done.
(Above: This is the before shot of my Woodland Bloom quilt. I hated this one.)
Thanks to all of you who sent me well wishes the last couple of days.
I was feeling really down. But things were much better today.
I have three more days off work. Yeah!!
I will be spending some really nice time with the kids.
They were so great today. I got lots of hugs.
So I'm going to keep taking it easy and doing some sewing.
Just enjoying every day.
Hugs Ariane
Friday, January 8, 2010
and the Winners are....................
My daughter drew the names for this giveaway. Here they are:
The first prize winner is:
Dresden Quilter said...
Congratulations on your 200th post and 1 year of blogging. One of the best parts about blogging for me has been meeting you. The prize that I would like best is the tote made by you. I do have someone who would fit that table runner perfectly so I would be happy to win it too. Keep on inspiring!
The second prize winner is:
time does fly--200 posts are great and l year anniversary at the same time==way to go!!!!
I would love either gift--soooo!!!!
see ya soon--
Hugs, Di&co.
So since Michelle from Dresden Quilter wanted the bag, that is what she will get. Diane from Quilting is Blissful is getting the Authentic fabric and pattern by Sweetwater. Congratulations!!!
But did I see two more names in that picture???????????
I think so.
I decided since I had such a rotten week, a great way to make me feel better is to share a bit more with others. And since my blog friends are always there for me, I decided to have my daughter draw two more names and I would send them each a surprise gift. It's a surprise because I'm not sure what I'm sending yet. LOL!!!
So the other two winners are:
Lisa @ Life with 4! said...
hmmmm... that is a hard choice!
I'm not usually a "bag" girl but I really love that one......... so I'll go for that.
have a great day, Ariane!
Deb said...
Oh, I would love to win the bag---it's beautiful!!
Thanks for hosting such a lovely giveaway and CONGRATS on 200 posts :)
Cheers, Deb
I will send each of you an email.
Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway and who constantly support me.
Hugs Ariane :o)
Last Chance to enter my giveaway!!!
Hi everyone! This is your last chance to enter my giveaway! I will be drawing the winner when I get home from work this evening. I just want to say a huge thanks to everyone who supports me in blogland. Some days I don't know what I would do without all my blog friends. You are always so supportive.
I have had a horrible week at work. Today is my last day this week. Thanks God!!! I'm just barely going to be able to make it through today. So say a little prayer for me......because.....I'm going through a really hard time right now. Thank you again!!
Hugs Ariane
I have had a horrible week at work. Today is my last day this week. Thanks God!!! I'm just barely going to be able to make it through today. So say a little prayer for me......because.....I'm going through a really hard time right now. Thank you again!!
Hugs Ariane
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Celebrating with a Giveaway!!!!!
I hope everyone had a good day.
I did a lot of housework today.
But I also made something to celebrate my
1 year blog anniversary.
Thanks to all of you who have visited
my blog over the past year and left comments.
It is very encouraging when people let you know
that you are doing a good job.
I love blogging and
look forward to sharing many projects with you this year.
I am off to a good start already.
I really want to get some of my UFO`s done too.
But I just can not get away from starting new projects.
I am addicted.
I am also celebrating my 200th post.
Which technically will be my next post.
But since I am already doing one giveaway,
I decided to have them at the same time.
So, I am giving away two packages.
The first is a large market bag that I made
from a Studio E Flourish and Nature-ology Fat Quarter Bundle,
I bought from The Fabric Shoppe.
I really love this bag.
My daughter really did not want me to give it away.
But I told her I will make her another bag.
I am also giving away 4 Fat Quarters of Authentic by Sweetwater
and a table runner pattern by Sweetwater.
The fat quarters will be a good start
on the fabric needed to make the tablerunner.
To get a chance to win one of these prizes,
all you have to do is leave a comment on this post
telling me which one of the prizes you would like best.
The first person I pick will get their first choice
and the second will get the other prize.
I will draw the winner on Friday, January 8th, 2010
I will draw the winner on Friday, January 8th, 2010
So leave a comment and help me celebrate.
Hugs Ariane
Saturday, January 2, 2010
A Bingo Bag!!!
I hope everyone has been having a good day. I did a bunch of running around this morning. Then my inlaws took the kids skating. So, I thought I would make my Mother-in-law the Bingo bag she had asked me to make her. She loves bingo. She goes a couple of times a week. She wins almost everytime she goes, unless I go with her. We never win when I go. So, I`ve resigned myself to staying home. She has been helping us out a lot lately. So I thought it would be a nice little gift to say thanks for all she as done. I got the pattern for free from the Sew Sisters web site. It was really easy to follow and came together in just over an hour.
I`m going to try to do a bit more sewing tonight. We will see how things go. have a great night.
Friday, January 1, 2010
My first finish of 2010!!!
I hope everyone had a great New Years day.
I spent my day relaxing.
But this evening decided to finish quilting and
binding my Cindy Lou Who quilt.
I had quilted part of it the other day.
But only got the chance to finish it tonight.
The outer border is a bit wavy.
Ah well!!! It`s still cute. I`m glad it`s done.
I did not get to use it this Christmas.
But I will have it for next year.
Now I can check that one off my UFO list.
I hope you are all well.
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