Sunday, May 16, 2010

May Day Giveaway 2010!!! ---CLOSED---

Hi everyone, I have decided to join Sew!Mama!Sew's May Giveaway Day again. I have 5 fat quarters to give away. They are from the Tillbrook collection that came out last year. I bought them and never figured out what I wanted to make with them. So, I'm giving them away.

You have two chances to win.

1) Leave me a comment


2) Become a follower, and then leave me a comment
telling me you are a follower.
If you are already a follower, just leave me another comment
saying you are already a follower.

3) I must be able to contact you by email through your blog,
 if you don't have an email, leave it with your comment.

4) The giveaway will be open until May 20th, 2010

5) I will post the winner on May 20st, the winner will be chosen by randon generator
 and I'll ship the items by May 24th.

6) I will ship internationally.

Good Luck to everyone!

It is always fun to have a giveaway. Have fun looking through all the giveaways!



Note: I'm posting this early because I'm working Midnight shift the next two nights. But you can go ahead and start leaving comments.


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Dresden Quilter said...

Beautiful giveaway! Lots I could make with them.

Dresden Quilter said...

I am a follower.

Barb said...

I love your giveaway and yes...I am a follower!!

Laura said...

Great fabrics! Please count me in for the giveaway.

Laurel said...

Lovely fabric!

Laurel said...

I follow via google reader

Turid said...

I like the fabrics, and would like to take part in your giveaway. Thank you;-)

Cris A said...

I'd love a chance to win those yummy fat quarters!

Cris A said...

I check in everyday anyway but now I'm a follower!

lesthook said...

Cool fabrics!

lesthook said...

I am already a follower.

Ida13 said...

I have left a comment. :)

throuthehaze said...

I love that mushroom fabric!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

A said...

I am already a follower

A said...

Lovely fabric

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

Lovely fabrics! Please count me in :-)

Leigh said...

Love these! the mushrooms are so fun, they are my favorites!


Bonnita said...

Those mushrooms are cute! Thanks for a great giveaway! I am also a follower.

Bonnita said...

I love those fabrics!

retdairyqueen said...

Love the fabrics
Very generous of you

retdairyqueen said...

I am a long time follower

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

What a great giveaway! Very cute FQ's! Good luck with the midnight shifts!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I'm a happy follower~ ;-)

Ellyn said...

wonderful fabrics! Nice giveaway. Mine will be up on my blog later tonight....

Ellyn said...

Oh, and I am already a follower of your lovely blog!

henny said...

Pretty fabrics, love the princess with flower, please count me in :)

henny said...

I'm already a follower :)

bleuvanille said...

Lovely fabrics, love the mushrooms! Thanks for the giveaway! sophie(at)bleuvanille<dot"com

bleuvanille said...

I'm already a follower!

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful! I would love to win them! thanks for the chance!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Thanks for the opportunity Ariane!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Of course I'm already a follower!

Aimee said...

Such pretty fabrics! Please count me in. Thanks!


arlette said...

Oh gosh I'm babbling with your fabrics, they're so cute, I'd love to be entered in the drawing, and being picked, lol, May 21st is my birthday, yay!

arlette said...

I'm your follower from a little while now!!!!!!

EVA SB said...

Such beautiful fabrics - I could create something delightful for my daughter.

EVA SB said...

I'm a follower[@]gmail[.]com

Gill said...

green and pink - my favourite colour combination!!!


ricebabies said...

I loe this fabric. Mushrooms are my fav.


*Cornelia* said...

wow what a great give-away I love those prints, perfect for a quilt for my little princess

Hugs Cornelia

*Cornelia* said...

and Im of course a follower

Kerri K said...

That fabric is so cute! I would love to win it. I have a niece that I could make something for with it.

Vic said...

Oh those fabrics are SCREAMING cute paneled skirt for my wee girl, I'll just have to cross my fingers & toes!

Little Munchkins said...

Gorgeous fabrics! I have the toadstools in pink colourway and I love it. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Doina said...

I am a follower.

AstaD said...

really adore the mushroom fabric.

katrien said...

Lovely fabrics.

dillpickle said...

I particularly like the mushroom fabric! Thanks for participating in Giveaway Day!

rachel @ idlepines said...

What a lovely giveaway!!

jojolein* said...

How nice!

Greetings, Jojo***

Martina said...

Great give away. Love the fabric!

Martina said...

I am looking forward to follow you now!

Anonymous said...

I love those fabrics

Lyndal said...

Nice giveaway!

Jennifer Rose said...

love the mushroom fabric, very pretty :)

Danielle said...

lovely fabrics

Danielle said...

and yes, i'm a follower

Lottie said...

Oh my! I am love with those fat quarters - especially the mushrooms! I think it would be difficult to descide between using them in my first quilt or making some cute little bags. Maybe a bit of both!

Lottie said...

I have also just become a follower - great blog!

Kitty Vane said...

Oh my! Such gorgeous fabrics!
Thank you so much for having such a super giveaway, I hope I get lucky! :)


Katrin said...

Cute fabric! I hope I win!

gretamargreta said...

those peices are so cute! perfect for lil girl things!

Riel Nason said...

Ohhhh, that is pretty fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!

Little Miss S. said...

I love those colors together, what a great fabric set. I would love to make a tote for my knitting project in those.

Anya said...

Love that fabric! Thanks for the chance.

Bine | was eigenes said...

you have now a new follower :-)
I'd love to have these beautiful fabrics and sew some pouches with it!
I am hosting a giveaway come over to my place :-)
xo Bine

Jocelyn said...

Wow what a great giveaway! Thanks for participating in SMS giveaway day. And thanks for entering me!

Jo said...

Now I'm a follower!

Jo said...

Oh my goodness I would so love to win this fabric, I already have some of it and this selection would give me a lot more options!! Beautiful thanks for having a giveaway, feel free to check mine out too!

Kelly said...

Super cute fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Kaye Prince said...

Beautiful fabrics! I'd definitely use them in a quilt...maybe a fanciful, appliqué quilt!

Cassie said...

Following :)

Cassie said...

O so cute!

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

I am a follower as well.

Jennie @ Porch Swing Quilts said...

Oh, it's lovely fabric. I have a little girl who is starting her own stash and this would be perfect.

Mary Lou said...

I am not a follower as well.

Mary Lou said...

Lovely fabric. I think they would make a cute doll or baby quilt. Thanks for participating, very generous.

Julianne said...

Those are gorgeous fabrics! Fingers crossed!!!

myBearpaw said...

I have just become a follower too!

myBearpaw said...

OOh what gorgeous fabrics! Loving the fairies and toadstools!

Anonymous said...

Awesome fabric! I hope I win.

Mary said...

Pretty. I could make my niece something with those!

MiniFeen said...

i´m your follower from germany


Tracy said...

very pretty and new to me!

Unknown said...

I follow you!

Jamie said...

I LOVE this line of fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway!

Shruti said...

Beautiful fabric!!!

Sharon said...

I'd be so lucky to win this! Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

That's a nice selection of fabrics.

Marsel said...

My daughter would adore these!!!

Katie B said...

Oh, beautiful fabrics! I'd love to add them to my stash.

I♥thesecrazykids said...

Beautiful fabrics!

Unknown said...

so beautiful!

Unknown said...

i'm a follower now!

sarah r said...

gorgeous fabrics, really love the toadstool with green background. happy sewing.

ClaraE said...

These are beautiful fabrics. Also the little girl's top you recently made is fantastic.

karrelle said...

Very pretty fabrics.


karrelle said...

I'm a follower.

Mandi Stephanie said...

great fabrics!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh such beautiful fabric, thank you for the chance.

Henrietta said...

I'm a new follower!

Henrietta said...

Gorgeous fabric! My daughter would love it :)

the mama monster said...

lovley fabric! thanks for the chance.

Julia Gabriel said...

My daughters name is Arianne :) Love the fabics too.

Alleusion said...

Love those fabrics - count me in!

Tong said...

I'm a blog follower!

Tong said...

Hi Ariane! Lovely FQ's you picked out for the giveaway, thanks so much for the chance!

fieryone said...

I'm a follower

Danielle said...

Great giveaway! I'll probably make something for my daughter with them, very girly & pretty!

Unknown said...

Love the fabrics!

isabel f. said...

count me in :)))
thanks for this lovely giveaway :)

Danielle said...

I am a new follower! I love the SMS giveaway.. I always find cool new blogs!

isabel f. said...

i'm a follower :)

sookhyun said...

thanks for the giveaway :)

Lise said...

What a great giveaway! I'm sure I could find a good use for them for my baby girl. Thank you!

trish said...

Oh my goodness! My daughter would flip if I won this fabric. Thank you for putting my name in the hat. :o)
Sincerely ~ Tricia

Sandra said...

Absolutely gorgeous fabrics!Thank you for this great give away :)

paulette said...

Love this fabric!! Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Fabrics!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Fabrics!

Anonymous said...

New Follower! :)

Kelly O. said...

I know what I want to do with those fabrics! fabric baskets and a purse for my daughter!
lovely giveaway!

ladmquilter said...

Love your giveaway thanks for the chance.

Ana @ Don't Fear the Ripper said...

Love the fabrics!!

Jingle said...

Oh, for the LOVE of fairies this is fabulous!

Jingle said...

I am already a follower!!!

Marta Tavares said...

Hi Ariane!!! Im a follower!! I love this fabrics!!!!Thanks for the chance!!!

Amapanther said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
escuishi (at)

Erin said...

Ooooh, I love how girly those fabrics are!!!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Brooke said...

Love those fabrics!

Check out my fabric giveaway at

Emily B said...

Those are so pretty! I'd put them into baby quilts for little girls :)
ebickell at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love those fabrics. I would love to make a quilt out of them

American Mom said...

love those cute little fun!

Mrs. Jackie Sue said...

My mouth dropped open, those are gorgeous! With the first three, perhaps a baby quilt with adding white and yellow. I make baby dedication quilts for babies in Guatemala. For the last two, maybe a pillow for my daughter. She is real girlie and those are sure girlie pinks!!! Thanks!
Jackie (at)

Alissa said...

Those FQs are super cute. I always intended on picking up some of that mushroom fabric, but missed it all at my local quilt shop!

Anonymous said...

So pretty, and perfect for a project I'm working on for my niece. Thanks!


Mrs. Jackie Sue said...

I am a follower too! Thanks!
Jackie (at)

Anonymous said...

And now I'm following your blog.

ladmquilter said...

I am now following.

Emily Sands said...

So cute - dreamy and modern.

Lesly said...

Yummy Tillbrook! I hope I win - just thinking of you, saving some trouble filling out those tiresome customs forms. Instead, send to me in Kingston!

Unknown said...

The fabric is beautiful! I love the colors!

Lesly said...

Following via Google Reader!

Unknown said...

I follow with Friend Connect.

Jill said...

Lovely fabric! What a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

love the selection of FQ, can't wait to see who wins!

JacquieLH said...

Great fabrics! Perfect for a little girl whimsical quilt :) Thanks for the giveaway. Hope you get rest~

Unknown said...

yes please!

Unknown said...

and I am a follower

happy said...

OO I love those fabrics.
Thanks for this great giveaway!

happy said...

I am followwer.
Thanks for this great giveaway!

Trish said...

I would love to win your wonderful give-away. What could be better than pink and green?

SG said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

Aimee said...

Beautiful. I especially like the fairies.


Skooks said...

AAHH! I LOVE these fabrics and they have been on my to-get list forever but I just haven't gotten around to them yet. Would love to win this one!


Audrie said...

Absolutely love these fabrics!!

Lilysunshine said...

Ooo, nice fabrics!

Lilysunshine said...

And I am a follower.

Celeste Creates said...

Love what you have to offer!

Unknown said...

i love the little mushrooms!

Unknown said...

following now.

stitchinpenny said...

The fabric is great thanks for sharing with the giveaway.

Sam said...

Hi and greetings from Albany, Western Australia. I would love to win this fabric. Thanks for making this possible. regards Sam (Sandra)

Jenn said...

I would love to enter your give away! thank you!

A Joyful Chaos said...

What a delightfully lovely giveaway! I would love to be entered and absolutely thrilled if I won.

Jenn said...

now I follow!

Lisa Chin said...

Beautiful fabrics! Thanks for the giveaway.

Eema-le said...

Such fun fabrics. I'd love to win them. Thanks.

ninjaeema at aol dot com

flygirl07 said...

So cute!
mjwebhome (at) yahoo (dot) com

flygirl07 said...

I am also a follower!
mjwebhome (at) yahoo (dot) com

Unknown said...

Crossing my fingers!!

Nicole said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!


Apple Avenue Quilts said...

Love the fabrics. I would love to win them. Thanks for the chance!

two hippos said...

thanks for the chance to win!

Apple Avenue Quilts said...

I've become a follower!

Unknown said...

Those are great fabrics! I'd love to win them!

Jennifer McNichols said...

Oh these would be perfect for one of the six (yes six) quilts that my 5 year old daughter has requested I sew for her!

Just Us said...


Just Us said...

need. that. mushroom. fabric!



sfer said...

Hi Ariane! Thanks for the chance to win those really yummy fabrics. I love mushrooms! I know too well about buying fabrics and not doing anything with them for months... but I still can't part with most of them!!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, what a generous giveaway!! Thank you for the chance to win :) Come on over to Button & Bean for a chance to win my giveaway!

ktquilts said...

Very pretty!!


Jessica Jo said...

Those prints make me happy so much!
messy_mcspud (@) hotmail (.) com

greeblygreebly said...

What adorable prints!

Julie S said...

Those fabrics are adorable! Thanks for a fun fabric giveaway! Now I am off to take a peek at more of your blog!

Urban Crunch said...

oh, & I'm a new follower!

Tori said...

Those are darling fabric!

machen und tun said...

sweet fabrics!! thanks for the nice giveaway!

Amy said...

Oh I LOVE the fabrics, thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I follow now!

SavvySava said...

oo i know exctly what i would do with those! (quilt)

SavvySava said...

i am a follower

szkornelia said...

Lovely fabrics. I have 2 nieces (1.5 and 3) these fabrics would be perfect to make something nice for them.

szkornelia said...

I became a follower. :)

Anonymous said...

the fabric is so pretty! what a give away! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower as well. :)

britt said...

Thanks for the chance to win! My little niece would be so happy if I won these fabrics, because it'd mean a new something special for her!

Jessica said...

Yay! What great fresh fun fabric!

jesslinq at gmail dot com.

Tania said...

These would look so beautiful in my daughters room!

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