Thursday, September 9, 2010

Our first guild meeting of the season!!!

I went to my quilt guild's first meeting of the season last night. They had two wonderful ladies showing their work. Diane Davies and Jane Lay shared some beautiful quilts with us. They are so talented. I took some pictures, but my camera wasn't co-operating with me. I need a new one. But I will show you the best ones. Lots of pictures here we go.

I love the Paddington Bears Maze quilt. It's so cute!

I also love this quilt with all the trees....Gorgeous!!

And look at this large appliqued quilt. Isn't it sweet?

The one lady did mostly applique. I love the dragon!!!!

Another woman brought her Tisket A Tasket quilt for show & tell. This was my favorite of the night. It's just gorgeous, and the quilting is amazing!!!

They also had the community quilts on display. They made 25 quilts over the summer do give to local charities. They were also gorgeous!!!

Well, that's all for today. I work night shift starting tonight and for the next three nights.
I don't know what I will get done sewing related during those days, but I will try.




  1. I love that maze quilt, too! Thanks for sharing that 'show'!!

  2. Wow, the maze quilt is beautiful...and I see a few I like in that charity pile also! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sounds like you had some fun:) Go check out my blog to see the finished embroidery pattern that I got from you!

  4. so much...just loved all the quilts. I really loved the bird house one...

  5. Oh what wonderful quilts! Thanks for the quilt show!

  6. Thanks for the fabulous show and tell. Like you I love the Paddington Bear quilt

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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