Sunday, September 12, 2010

Four Gifts of Grace Blocks done! & Charming Girls Club goals!!!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. I finished two more blocks of the Gifts of Grace BOM by Val Laird. So, now I have four blocks completed. I have them pinned to my Snippets quilt in my sewing room. It's my make shift design wall. I really have to get a real design wall soon.
 I have started the fifth block. I've got quite a bit done. But those letters take a while and I haven't started those yet. I hope you like my blocks.

I'm also part of the Charming Girls Club and the theme for the next two months is Quilting the Quilt. I really need this theme. LOL!!! I have many quilts that need quilting. So my goal is to quilt at least 3 quilts by the end of our session. If I get more done, then they will be a bonus.

The quilts I hope to get done are:

These are not in any particular order of importance.
I just want to get them done.

These are also not the only projects that I want to work on during this time.

1) I hope to get a lot done on the Gifts of Grace BOM which I shared above. These are going to be for a Christmas gift. So I need to get them done.

2) I want to get another little quilt done for my guilds mini quilt auction being held in November.

3) My daughter wants a bigger pencil case. She loves the one I made, but she has a lot of pencils. So...."Bigger" she says....LOL!!!

So, that's it. Well......that I know of anyway. You know me......I like to start new projects even though I really should finish the old projects.

I hope you all have a great night.




  1. very pretty, those blocks. the project is coming along and you are doing a great job! keep it up keep it up!

  2. I love the gifts of grace blocks! Great job!

  3. Good luck with your goals, Ariane! All of your quilt tops are beautiful. It will be great to finish them. I always stall at the quilting, too.

  4. All the best completing your quilts..they are very nice indeed..your blocks shine..
    I am amazed at how many of you do up many quilts all at once...I am 1 project at a time...promise not to inspire me too
    blessings charming lady samm

  5. Ariane I love your blocks. If those are for a Christmas gift .. someone is very lucky Can't wait to see your quilts quilted.
    Enjoy! and Happy quilting

  6. Hi---really like how your Gifts of Grace blocks are coming along!
    I have mine caught up to this months that we have not gotten yet!!! Love your shabby rose quilt top--you are ahead of me there--I still have some blocks to make on that one!!! and the other 2 quilts are neat also!!
    now will you hand quilt these or do these on a machine???
    Have fun--Hugs, Di

  7. The Gifts of Grace blocks are beautiful!!

    I know what you mean about quilting the darn quilt! I finally started on one of my twin sized ones and now that the quilting is done I have to go get more fabric for the binding. The fun part. Time for a Joann's trip!

  8. You have so many lovely projects to them all!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane