Friday, January 1, 2010

My first finish of 2010!!!

I hope everyone had a great New Years day.
 I spent my day relaxing.
But this evening decided to finish quilting and
binding my Cindy Lou Who quilt.
I had quilted part of it the other day.
But only got the chance to finish it tonight.
The outer border is a bit wavy.
Ah well!!! It`s still cute. I`m glad it`s done.
 I did not get to use it this Christmas.
But I will have it for next year.
Now I can check that one off my UFO list.
I hope you are all well.



  1. That's a nice quilt - cute backing as well. By the looks of things you're going to have a great year.

  2. It is beautiful as always. I love the polka dot backing.

  3. What a terrific start for 2010. A quilt finished already! It's a really ncie quilt and fab backing fabric. Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  4. congrats on your first finish!! i hope there are many more!


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