Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Bingo Bag!!!

I hope everyone has been having a good day. I did a bunch of running around this morning. Then my inlaws took the kids skating. So, I thought I would make my Mother-in-law the Bingo bag she had asked me to make her. She loves bingo. She goes a couple of times a week. She wins almost everytime she goes, unless I go with her. We never win when I go. So, I`ve resigned myself to staying home. She has been helping us out a lot lately. So I thought it would be a nice little gift to say thanks for all she as done. I got the pattern for free from the Sew Sisters web site. It was really easy to follow and came together in just over an hour.

I`m going to try to do a bit more sewing tonight. We will see how things go. have a great night.



  1. Oh this is super cute! Many uses too! Love your quilt from your last post. Really cute. Went today to back the foundation fabric and red floss for the 12 Days of Redwork quilt.I'm anxious to start it.Will do so as soon as the fabric comes out of the dryer!

  2. I am doing some sewing tonight too. What a sweet gift to make for your mother-in-law.

  3. Hi Ariane--love your winter blog background--pretty!!! Need to check out this bingo bag--but not for bingo!!! Love your cindy lou schnibbles--area you doing January's??/ I got it on order--but have not had time to study it to decide what colors to do it in yet?/
    Hugs, Di

  4. I think your MIL will find it fits the bill perfectly. It's such a good pattern you could use the bag for other things as well. Thanks for the link. Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  5. What a cute bingo bag. And what a great idea. We play family bingo at christmas. It is so fun.

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