Sunday, August 20, 2017

I made some little things

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a good weekend.
I'm working this weekend.
I haven't got any sewing in, but I did forget to post a few little things that I have made.

I recently made a little zippered sewing caddy.
I didn't follow any instructions, but did get a lot of inspiration online from Japanese quilted bag magazines. There are a lot of pictures on pinterest. 

So, I just went for it and made one.

I used those tiny bow tie blocks that I had made a few weeks ago. 
I added some lace ribbon from my stash.
I hand quilted it with some embroidery floss from my stash.
You can see the quilting better on the back.
Everything came from my stash for this make.
The zipper was from a thrift store bag of zippers.
On the one side I have two pockets for thread spools, thimbles and needle packs.
Then, in the center I have a skinny pincushion.
On the right I have a scissor pouch and a felt rectangle for needles.

I really like how it turned out for my first try.
It's mostly sewn by hand, including the zipper. 

Another little project I completed was a patchwork dog softie. 

It was made up of 1.5 inch squares.
These were mostly 30's reproduction scraps of fabric.
I also just used pictures I saw online to make this.

Isn't it cute. It's like an oversized pincushion.
I don't have any little kids around to play with a toy like this.
But, I made it in an afternoon, and it made me happy.
I love it!


  1. What a fun little sewing kit! Little projects are very satisfying!

  2. Awe, that sewing caddy is so sweet. I just love it.

  3. What a lovely, intricate sewing candy, nice work. Love the little dog, so much fun.

  4. I love it when a project makes us happy--so many times we are in such a rush to get the next project finished or a ufo done--that we forget to just play --and your little kit is a good project and I love the little dog==how cute!!
    enjoy the moments, di

  5. Both projects are absolutely charming and special indeed.

  6. The bag is beautiful and I do love the japanese quilting and bags, have a few books that I still need to make something from. Cute puppy, I love doing cut out animals with scrap fabrics.


  7. 'Just went for it' wow girl you rocked that bag!! Cute little dog too!

  8. Love that sewing caddy! I've only done straight zippers. Was it hard to put the zipper all along the edge like that?


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane