Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Round 2 - Scrappy Medallion Quilt along

Hi everyone, 

I worked on round 2 of my scrappy medallion quilt. 
I added a row of 4.5 inch HST's.
What do you think?

Here's how I did it.
1- cut 2, five inch squares.
One neutral and one coloured
2 - draw a diagonal line 1/4 inch from the centre diagonal line of the light square. 
3 - sew on these two diagonal lines
4 - cut in between these sewn lines as shown above. 
5 - iron seam open

6 - trim hst to 4.5 inches

 You should have 2, 4.5 inch hst's. 

You will need 2, 4.5 inch hst's in the following colours.
Black, brown, green, dark blue, medium blue, yellow, orange, pink, red, raspberry, purple

You will also need 2 plain 4.5 inch squares of background colour,

Linking to:


  1. Wow! Your scrappy medallion quilt is a beauty ♥

  2. This is such a happy quilt in progress, Ariane! Love the scrappy rainbow look!

  3. I love the repetition of colours in each round. Can't wait to see the next one!

  4. I am so loving this!!! You are awesome to share 'how to' on this. :D Thank you.

  5. Wow! Beautiful---love the colors!!! Carolyn

  6. Oooohhh! Loverly. The colours, the block. I want to make one.

  7. That looks really awesome. Love all the colours.

  8. Oh wow!!! I really like that one - your colors just make it shine!

  9. The 1/2 squares provide the perfect balance!

  10. This is such a vibrant block.. it makes me smile!😌

  11. It's looking great. Nice color choices


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane