Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My sun down quilt is back from the quilter

Hi everyone, 

First I would like to mention again that my blog URL has changed. I cancelled my domain and have gone back to blogspot.

If you follow me make sure you change the link your following to

Back to quilting. 
I got my Sun Down quilt back from Tammy Spencer my long arm quilter. 
This is the first time I use a professional long arm quilting service. 
I was so nervous. But I'm so thrilled with the results. 
I asked for an all over design of swirls. 
It's perfect for this quilt. 
This quilt is 84 inches square. I want to release this pattern for sale and wanted my quilt to look great, and it truly does. 

I just have to trim it and bind it. 
I will definitely use her service again. 


  1. Yes, your quilt looks great, congratulations!

  2. Gosh, it looks great! Both the quilt and the quilt itself. I love the crinkle that comes after a finished quilt has been washed and dried.

  3. So close to being finished! Won't take long to bind it.

  4. I absolutely love your quilt!!! It's gorgeous!

  5. Um... WOW! This is such a beauty! So excited for you and glad to hear your sending it out for quilting was a success!

  6. It's a wonderful quilt! I love your colour combo and the quilting compliments it perfectly!

  7. Wow, this looks like a lot of work! And it's big... I am glad you had a great experience trying longarm services for the first time :) Have fun finishing it!

  8. Great job! It's really beautiful and love the colors!

  9. I outsource most of my quilting because I prefer to piece instead. There is not enough time in the day to do it all.

  10. It looks great. I love the colours you used.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane