Monday, October 17, 2016

It's done!! Yeah!

My hexagon star quilt is done and on my bed.
I'm so excited. I started this project in February 2009. I took many long breaks from it because life got complicated at times, especially when my husband had his motorcycle accident. 
This quilt was hand pieced the old fashion way. I used a cardboard template and traced it on my material and cut it out with a sizzor. The original pattern was too small for our big mattress so I had to make a lot more stars and add a border. The original pattern didn't have a border. 
When the top was done, I noticed it was not flat. There was no way I was taking it apart. So, I just basted it the best I could and quilted it. The quilting really helped flatten it. There are puckers and I went off my lines here and there. I did quilt it on my kenmore machine that's about 50 yrs old. It was not easy to quilt as it's 92 inches by 115 inches.
I love it! 
It's totally my style. 
Imperfectly perfect! 
I hope you like it too!
Hey, I finally have a quilt for my own bed!! Yeah!!



  1. A very pretty quilt! Looks wonderful on your bed. So satisfying to finally have it finished I am sure!

  2. Congrats to you for the perseverance it took to make this gorgeous quilt. I also can't believe you quilted this so beautifully on an old DSM. What a wonderful job and wonderful quilt. It looks so very vintage, wonderfully scrappy and comfy, cozy...all to be desired in a quilt!

  3. It looks wonderful on your bed and it has a vintage look to it, beautiful work.


  4. I absolutely love this quilt Arianne and I'm itching to get back to mine.

  5. Oh my STARS...that is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful...I just might have to make one...just awesome...I am drooling over here.

  6. It looks great. When I see such a beautiful quilt I think I should look up my start for a star quilt and just make more stars. Greetings

  7. What an awesome finish! As quilters, we often forget to make quilts for ourselves. I've spent the past few years making quilts for our bed, and now I have a few and can change them with the seasons or mood

  8. WOW! This is truly a wonder to behold. It's beautiful, it's reflects the past - yet is up-to-date. The quilting is perfect for the quilt and gives it life. Good job!

  9. This is GREAT, BIG and Beautiful!!! What a happy quilt with all those scrappy stars and the quilting is such a compliment to the design. It looks so at home on your bed. You should be very proud!

  10. Amazing! You did a great job, I love it! No one would ever know it wasn't "flat." :) What a treasure you have made!!

  11. How wonderful! The quilt looks terrific, and it will be a treasure for many years.

  12. Oh Ariane, your quilt looks just perfect on your bed. Such a beautiful quilt. Well worth all the time and effort that went into making it. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane