Monday, March 14, 2016

Three small finished projects

This week I finished two mini quilts. Both of these mini quilts were UFO's. The first quilt is a tulip quilt that I started in April 2011. It just needed to be quilted and bound. Here it is.
I struggled with the quilting a bit because my machine was acting up. But I got it done and I'm happy about that.

The next little quilt is really a placemat. I made a pink one last February as part of the RSC15. I had made the quilt top but never shared it on my blog after that. Here is my finished blue placemat.
I love how this placemat turned out. I again had difficulty quilting it because my sewing machine is acting up. It keeps skipping stitches and breaking threads. I think I might have to bring it in for servicing.

My Mom moved to town last summer and I've helped her make a few small sewing projects. One of these projects is this table runner. The pattern came from the magazine Primitive Quilts and Projects Winter 2015. She did all the wool applique and embroidery and I quilted and bound it for her.
Surprisingly, my sewing machine didn't have any difficulty quilting this projects. I didn't have any skipped stitches or thread breakage. I was glad since this one doesn't belong to me. My mom was not sure she really liked this one before I quilted it because the original pattern was made on a dark brown background. I provided all the material and wool for this project for her. When I picked out the background fabric, I didn't have the pattern with me and forgot what the background was like. But once it was all quilted and bound she loved it.  I'm so glad. Now she is excited to make another small wool applique project. 

Well, I'm still working on a bunch of project at once. I  get bored sometimes with one project and need to work on something else to keep my mojo going. I hope you like the projects I shared today.




  1. I love the tulip mini! Did you use a specific pattern? I ask because I am wanting to make a tulip quilt for my mom and I am collecting ideas.

  2. Congrats on all those finishes! They all look great! I hope you can take the machine to the shop soon or maybe it will stop skipping stitches & breaking thread!

  3. Everyone has a method that works best for them, so if working on several different things at the same time works for you - go for it!

  4. Three beautiful mini projects. What a nuisance your machine was playing up. You certainly can't tell. The wool project is fabulous. Your quilting has really made the appliqué pop.

  5. Oo, that tulip design is sweet! Perfectly in season too. :)

    That one you and Mom worked on together is SO SO pretty! Collaboration is great, ain't it?


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