Friday, January 2, 2015

I'm back!!!

It's been quite a long time since I've posted to my blog. I stopped quilting completely after my husband had his accident. The only sewing I did was hemming and mending clothing. But a few days ago I decided to take a hand sewing UFO out. You may remember my hexagon star quilt. Well I managed to add two more rows of stars to it this week. 

I'm really itching to do some sewing and quilting. It's been over a year and a half since I did any. So I'm back! I'll do a bit at a time. I'm going to try to finish some of my old projects and maybe work on some small new ones just to practice again. 




  1. Welcome back! It was nice to see your post arrive when I turned on Blogger. I'm still taking care of the Limestone site, even from Florida. Hope to see you in the new year....

  2. Welcome back, Ariane! I hope this means your husband is recovering well. Enjoy your time stitching and quilting:)

  3. So good to see you back. Love the star quilt. How is your DH doing with his recovery? Best to you and your family in 2015

  4. Welcome back Ariane. I love your quilt Happy New Year!

  5. So good to see you back
    I have thought of you often (have my lovely bag to remind me) and wondered how things were going xx

  6. We missed you Ariane and I'm delighted to see this project again. Like you I have been away from sewing for a while and it's nice to get back to it. Ann :-)

  7. Glad you are back to blogging and sewing. Hope your husband has recovered from his accident. Look forward to seeing your progress on the star quilt.

  8. Welcome back to blogging! I took an unintended break last year when I was working through a divorce, and am just getting back into it now so I know the feeling. Looking forward to seeing what you create this year!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane