Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I'm quilting again......

Today, I worked on a really old UFO.
I started assembling the blocks my sister and my Mom exchanged in May 2009.
You can read more about the exchange here.
I decided to put the blocks together in sections.
I didn't want to have a big quilt in my machine.
So, I'm doing it quilt-as-you-go. 
Quilting each panel of blocks, then putting the panels together to make the quilt.
 I have the first section done. 
The pinwheel block in the center is made by my Mom.
The corner pinwheel blocks are made by the four girls.
I've added some 9 patch blocks that I made around the same time as the pinwheels.
I sashed the 9 patch blocks to make them fit.
So this is my first panel. Yeah!!
I'm glad to finally get these together.
It took me a long time to figure out what to do with them.
The blocks were not all the same size.
I had to figure out a way to put them together that worked.
I think this is the best option.



  1. Oh how sweet? What a sweet idea to swap blocks within the family. It looks gorgeous and rich. Love the fabrics.

  2. Won't it feel great to get it done! Good for you ; )

  3. What a wonderful project and a lovely, great quilt! Sometimes, there is such a connection to blocks or even quilt tops and we just have to wait until they whisper some hints to us or we get an epiphany about what to do next. I think you waited and received both! Blues and browns are classic and timeless, as this quilt will be..goodness you brought it into a new decade and when you get it totally finished..well, who knows then ;) Kudos to you for getting them to get along and fit together!

  4. Looking good Ariane. You've done a nice job in bringing such different sized blocks together.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane