Thursday, September 27, 2012


So, I've been sick since last Wednesday.
Not fun!!!
But, I'm almost all better.

Before I got sick, I had started quilting the center panel of my bright color quilt.
I got about a third of the center done.
I couldn't keep working on it because I ended up with a flu virus my son passed on to me.
I didn't quilt or sew on the weekend.
But, on Tuesday I started feeling better.
I looked at the quilting I had done, and I hated it.
I couldn't keep quilting it.
I really didn't like the way it looked on the quilt.
It was taking away from it, instead of enhancing it.
I struggled with what to do.

I decided to rip the quilting out.
This is very, very slow work.
 I have to be very careful not to damage the fabric.

I did quilt the rest of the blocks with a new quilt pattern.
As I remove the old quilting from a block, I quilt it with the new pattern.
It makes me feel like I'm getting ahead.
Here's the new quilting.

 I like this much better.
It's not perfect.
It's more organic!! LOL!!
That's how I will explain it anyways. LOL!!

So, that's what happening over here.



  1. The new quilting looks great! Definitely the right call.

  2. Fabulos quilting my dear. I do lots of picking out. So annoying!


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