Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I painted my new sewing room....

Hi everyone!

I know I haven`t blogged a lot this summer.
We have been doing renovations and all our extra time has gone to that.

Well, those renovations are coming close to the end.
We have made two new bedrooms in our basement for the boys.
They are all moved in, and settled.
I am all done my part of those renovations.
My daughter is moved into her new room.
I did not have as much work to do in her room.
We only needed to paint.
With that done, I got to work on the last room.

This is the best room of all, my new sewing room.
This room used to be my daughters room.
It was painted a very pale yellow.
That was the color of the room when we bought the house.
Here is a picture of it before being painted.

Here is the after picture.

I do need new blinds. LOL!!
But, that will come at some point.
I really like the color I chose.
It is a Robin s Egg blue by Para Paints.
I only used 1 gallon to paint the room, and only had about a quarter cup of paint left.
I was really worried that I would not have enough.

Now, I need to come up with a work table.
I do not currently have one to put in here.
I have been searching on Pinterest for ideas.
At least now I can start moving some of my stuff into the room tomorrow.

I am getting really excited now.
I will have my very own sewing room.



  1. Looks cool & inviting. Great job painting. I definitely need to paint my sewing room, but too hot to do it in the summertime. Enjoy!


  2. Beautimous! Love the blue... what a bright and cheerful sewing room you're going to have!

    You certainly have been busy and I'm sure all the kids are loving their new rooms!

  3. It looks great! =)

  4. Love the color in your new room. Looking forward to seeing more pictures when you're done!

  5. Love that color!! Ikea nearby? They have some great ideas for work tables and sewing room storage!!

  6. It looks awesome Ariane! You must be so happy with your new space. I can't believe how much you guys got done. You must feel pretty good about that!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane