Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Have you ever just wanted to sew......

but not think?

Well, that's how I have been feeling lately.
I just needed to sew to keep my mind busy, 
but didn't want to have to think too much while I was doing it.

Before I went up to Northern Ontario for a funeral,
I bought the newest copy of American Patchwork and Quilting, the August 2011 issue.
I was immediately interested in the cover quilt. 
You see, I had seen it before.
I've been following Kathie's blog for quite some time now.
She is a scrappy quilter, just like me.
Sew, I just love all the projects that she has been doing.

When, I got home, I decided to take my 1.5 inch strips that I had cut from my scraps and started making some of these blocks.
I had cut all my strips with my GO! Cutter 1.5 inch strip die.
That made my work much easier.
I have 52 blocks made already.
These were are a lot of fun to make.
They are so easy, and I used up a bunch of ugly fabric that I've had in my stash forever.
Since they are cut up so small, you don't really notice them.
I ran out of cut strips in the country, reproduction style fabric.
I still have full scrap bins though.
So, I just have to cut more.
I need 240 blocks for this quilt.

Then, as I was looking at my 1.5 inch strip bin,
I noticed I had a lot of modern, contemporary fabric still in there.
I wanted to use some of these up.
The problem was that they were shorter strips.
I also didn't have as much variety.
Sew, I decided to make little 3.5 inch rail fence blocks.
I used white as my center strip, then my scraps for either side of the white.
This is what I have completed so far.

I have 35 little 3.5 inch modern rail fence blocks.
Aren't they cute?
I think this would make a cute little scrappy baby quilt.

As I was trimming these little blocks, I had bits that were left.
So, I trimmed these bits.
Look at what I have.
These are 1.5 inch strips.

I thought I could use these to make little 3.5 inch 9-patch blocks.
I could  use them in the border of the baby rail fence quilt.
Hmmm.......I'm on a roll, I think!!!

I just love scrap busting.
I hate throwing fabric out.
Sew, this project will fulfill the need to use those scraps,
have hours of mindless sewing,
and make some quilts in the process.
Oh, I forgot.....it's cheap too, since I already have the fabric.

I don't have a timeline for this project either.
Sew, I'll finish, when I finish.
No pressure.



  1. I think your scrappy quilt will look sensational, and I love what you have done with your bright scraps as well, very creative!!! I treat my fabric like gold too, and never waste a scrap!!!!

  2. Wow...way to go...would you take my kids for a day, so I can sew too?!?!? I wanted to sew today, but ended up with a headache instead. =)

    I think that rail quilt looks great...I might have to try that. =)

  3. So much for making one quilt.....I love them all!!

  4. I always feel that way - I don't want to think, just want to sew! But I get in a trouble every once in a while when I don't have enough fabrics or something running out!! Ughhhhhh Both of our scrappy quilts are looking really nice :)

  5. Yep- Yeay for mindless quilting!!!

  6. Sorry for your loss....

    The quilt is going to be so fun....and it is good to just sew.

  7. Wow you're on a heck of a roll there Ariane! The scrappy and just-do-it kind of quilts are my favourite. There's something about the mostly random aspect of them that makes each unique and really warm. Also these are the ones you're not afraid to actually use because you haven't broken your head designing them. Awesome stuff!

  8. Great use of scraps! I especially like the small ones with the white centers. I've been making string blocks with some of my scraps. Used odd widths instead of cutting them.

  9. your blocks look great! Love the small blocks too, I love sewing when there is not a lot of thinking involved sometimes too! Have fun.
    oh the baby is adorable!!!!

    congrats to all

  10. Hello Ariane, Just found your blog, very nice! I am a scrappy quilt maker too! I also am inspired by Kathie Holland.

    Your quilt blocks are looking great and I look forward to seeing your finish.....No pressure, right?

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Carolyn :)

  11. Both of your quilts look great. How do you like your Go cutter strip dies? I am the same way as you, I just can't throw out my scraps.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane