Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grade 8 graduation night!!!

Hi everyone!

I hope you are all well.

Tonight I attended my DS2's grade 8 graduation.
He is growing so fast.

He looked so great all dressed up in a suit.

He is just 13, but soon to be 14.
I can't believe he will be in high school next year.
Where has the time gone.

He likes to pose for the camera.
Here's a few more shots.

I'm so proud of him.
He is such a great kid.

Congratulations Brad!!!



  1. Congratulations to your son! He looks great!

  2. What a handsome young man you have! Congrats to him and best wishes for high school learning and fun!
    Yes time does fly with our sweet babies!

  3. gosh, he's a cutie pie! my son is turning 10 this fall, and that's completely bizarre... i can barely imagining him graduating from grade 8 and getting ready for high school... eek!

  4. Oh you are gonna have to watch out for the girls with him;) Congrats to your son!!

  5. Mr. Handsome! You must be proud! My daughter is graduating from KCVI next week - I am flabbergasted by how fast the time goes!

  6. WOW! He's a handsome young man. High school girls will be all over him!

    Love your blog, I just don't comment often.

  7. Oh he looks great Ariane! Dapper in that suit. Oh boy, watch out highschool girls, here he comes!


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