Saturday, May 14, 2011

Small Quilt Talk Needle Case Swap!!!

I participated in the Needle Case Swap in my Small Quilt Talk Yahoo Group.

It was a lot of fun.

It was nice to make a small project.

Here is the one I received from my partner Cathryn.

Needle Case from Cathryn

She sent me some fabric swatches and those cute little scissors too.
I love it!!!
Needle Case from Cathryn

I made her one too.

I forgot to take a picture of it with the goodies I added to her package.
But here is the needle case that I made her.

Her favorite color is purple, so I used the purple fabric that I had.

I hope she likes it!!!



  1. How darling is that needle case! If your swap partner doesn't like it, I'll be happy to take it off her hands!


  2. lucky you Ariane! needlecases are SO useful... yours is so sweet!

  3. Both Needle Cases are beautiful Ariane!! It was a lovely swap and now we have some wonderful treasures to keep!!!

  4. They are both lovely! What a ncie idea for a swap. Ann :-)

  5. Hi Ariane!
    I love those needlecases!
    Where did the pattern come from? Could you email me the link?
    Thanks, Leslie


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane