Sunday, March 13, 2011

A little of this, a little of that.....

Hi everyone!!

I know, I know, I've haven't been blogging much.
I haven't been sewing much.

I've been doing too much!!!!

Yup!! Too much other stuff.

Well, I thought I would share a bit of inspiration from Flickr.
I just love the quilts below.
They are mostly traditional small quilts.
Aren't they gorgeous?

I also wanted to give you my review of the quilt novel I won.

It is a wonderful book written by Melinda Evaul.

This is a wonderful book about love, hardship, and faith.
It reminds us that love can be found at all ages.
Even with all the struggles life brings us, if we have faith in God that we can overcome all things and find peace and love.

It's a truly wonderful book.
I couldn't put it down.
I just wanted to read it right to the end. LOL!!
It's not overly religious.
 It just shares how the characters faith helped them get through their struggles.
I love to see the love blossom between the older couple.
I felt really warm and comforted by this book.
Such a beautiful story.
I will definitely want to get the next one in this series.

Thank you Melinda for sharing it with me. 

If this sounds like a book you would love to read, you can find it on Amazon and on Melinda's web site.

Well, I hope you are all well.
I will try to blog more from now on.



  1. Lots of great inspiration in those sweet quilts - thank you for sharing, Ariane.

  2. I remember that Schnibble winner! It was stunning! Hope you get some stitches in soon!

  3. Pretty quilts Ariane, thanks for the round-up!

  4. Pretty quilts and hope you can soon stop doing stuff so you can start doing stuff.....


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane