Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm moving......

my sewing room.

I was finding it too confining working in the little 5x8 sewing room.
It didn't have a window, or air circulation.
I wasn't feeling inspired in there.

I had also noticed that my husband was really missing his music room.
He liked hiding in his little room and playing his music.
He had almost completely stopped playing.
And I could really tell it was affecting him.

So, we had a little discussion.
I told him I needed to move out of there and he needed to move back in.
He instantly agreed.
We worked together to rearange our family room in our basement.
It took all day Friday.
We bought a used desk that I could use for my sewing space and set it up.

I worked all weekend and didn't get to move anything over until today.
I like it because I have some daylight.
I can open a window if I want.
The desk is right behind the couch, which is facing the TV.
So, now I can cut, sew, iron, spend time with the kids, talk to them, watch them playing and watch a movie or TV too.
Love it!!!!

This is going to be much better.
I don't like being in my corner all alone.

The only thing is that I don't have alot of space for storage.
So, I'm trying to go through my scraps, cut them up into usable pieces so that I can store them better.
I've been cutting them in 2.5", 2", 1.5" strips.
I've been using my GO! cutter to cut the 1.5" strips.

I've also been using the value die to cut 2.5 inch squares, and triangles to make 2.5 inch HST's.
I've been cutting 3.5 inch tumblers too.

I really struggle to throw any fabric out.
I kinda hord it.
But, I know I can't now.
So, with all the crumbs that I've been left with, I'm sewing them into blocks right away.
Here are some of the crumb blocks.
I don't know how I'm going to use them yet, but i like them.

I'm still moving my stuff out of my little room.
I still have a lot of scraps to go through.
But I will get it done.

I hope you are all well.

Thank you so, so much for all the well wishes for my birthday.
It really means a lot to me.
You are all so sweet.



  1. Now you are happy, your husband is happy, and you are organizing your sewing space..Very nice arrangement. Good for you.

  2. Hi Ariane...that was an interesting post! I also moved from a bedroom to my dining room turned into the craft room. My two sewing machines, ironing board, table, and hubby turned our dining room table into his stain glass work table. I'd rather have this room than the dining room. How if company comes I don't have to forget my sewing until they pack up and leave. LOL I like your new space and glad hubby is getting his interest back!

  3. Don't we love our GO! cutters that make this job easier and FASTER ! !


  4. My space is in the attic -but my favorite work time is when my son comes up with me and plays or watches a movie while I am sewing. I am actually reducing my table size a bit so I can open up more floor space - and am switching to my gateleg table for cutting so I can drop it down. I would not like to be closed up, either.

  5. What a great space you now have! I like your idea of cutting squares and strips, in fact I started to do this earlier today - great minds think alike!

  6. I do the same thing with my crumbs too! You'll love more space and light from the window, well you just can't beat that. Storage will come.

  7. It is so great to have natural light in your sewing area, and nice to be able to look out too! Love your little red crazy scrap blocks!!!

  8. Good for you Both! I love that table...with both's great.

    I'm planning to cut through my scraps with my Go! too. I just don't think I'll be sewing the little tidbits into pieces...they're probably going to go in the trash. =(

  9. Congrats on your new space! You are really on a roll cutting up all of your scraps - you go girl!

  10. I'm glad you have a brand new, wonderful sewing space... a perfect location imho!

    I love the blocks you're sewing out of little scraps... I need to do that as well as cut up scraps into useful sizes and shapes.

  11. Whooo hoooo! Movin up in the world!! Now don't go gettin all hoity toity on us... :) LOL

  12. Happy you are happy with your new space. I have finally gotten my space all organized in my new room. I need to take pics soon!

  13. That's a great idea Ariane! I'm glad you and your hubby came to a happier arrangement for your hobbies. And it's nice that you'll be in the midst of your family again instead of in a lonely little corner. It looks great! Can't wait to go check it out! You had a busy weekend!

  14. Your work space looks amazing. You know this means will be expecting lots more inspiring posts from you! ;-)

  15. Congrats on the move...sounds like your new space is getting you inspired! Lots of scrappy goodness going on!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane