Monday, January 17, 2011

A tip from blogger And the winner is.........

Selected using, the winner is:

182 GerryART said...

Who can resist PINK !
or for that matter a Pink Heart
or even PINK tumblers.
I can't resist any of these


January 14, 2011 5:14 AM

Thanks to everyone who commented for this giveaway.
It was fun to celebrate together.

Now that I have a few days off work,
I will be able to get a bit of sewing and house cleaning done.

I just wanted to share with you a little blogger tip:

I wanted to add numbers to my comments.

But, I didn't want to mess around in my html blog codes.
I went onto blogger forum for some help and found this code that you just add like a gadget on your template.
So easy!!!!!

Add an HTML/Javascript gadget to your blog, leave the Title blank and paste the code into the Content area:

The code can be found here.

Then, you save. That's it!!!!

Now, it only counts up to 200, then starts at 1 again.
But, I have asked the question to see how the code can be updated to have unlimited numbers.
When I get a response, I will let you know.

This is definitely the easiest way to add comment numbers.
If you change the template on your blog, it does not have to be re-inputed because it's a gadget.
I had comment numbers on my blog before, but lost them when I was changing templates to update my blog.
It was a pain to try to get them again, so I didn't do it for a while.
But now that I have found this way, it's so easy.
Anyone can do this one.
So, go ahead and add numbers to your comments.



  1. Thanks for the tip, I was making myself nuts trying to count down, myself, lol.


  2. Thank you so much Ariane - that is WAY easier than the html version. I couldn't even find the spots I was supposed to insert all of the the code changes in the 'other' method. Hopefully we can get a response to the 'how to go above 200' question.

  3. Thanks for the tip!

    I dont get many comments on my blog- but maybe I will I give something away... :)

    Congrats to the winner!

  4. Congratulations to GerryArt! Thanks for having a great giveaway!!

  5. Thank you so much for the html code for numbering!! That is SO helpful, especially since I'm about to do my first giveaway :)

  6. That's awesome! I'm assuming it reset's every time you post a new blog? Anyway, it looks like it's working!

  7. Thanks for your tip...I too am a bit shy about pushing buttons on the computer.

  8. Hey, gals, thanks for the congrats.

    This Pink-a-lish-ish Heart and
    petite tumbler blocks are coming to my mailbox ! ! !

    Thank you Ariane ! ! !


  9. Thanks for sharing the comment number gadget with us. Great idea which will definitely make giveaways easier.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane