Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Christmas Gift to share!!

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all having a good day.
We got a lot of snow today.
After getting the kids to school, I shoveled snow for over an hour.
I have to do it again, but it's just a thin layer, so I will wait a bit.

I have one gift that I made for Christmas, that I haven't shared with you.
I made my sister a tote bag using echino fabric.
I also gave her a few craft supplies too.

She took a bunch of pictures for me and sent them to me.

This bag was really fun to make.
I love the weight of it.
It's made with deco. weight linen, inside and out.
I didn't use any interfacing,
so it's easy to fold and put in your purse
 if you want to use it for groceries or as a book bag.
It's easily washable and you just need to iron it when it comes out of the dryer.

Well, I hope you like it!!!



  1. What a fun, fun bag, Ariane.

    And goodies are just as wonderuful

  2. Oh yes Ariane - I like it! And I'm sure your sister does too!

  3. REally really cute bag...I am sure she loves it.

  4. Lucky Michele!! I covet that fabric. I should just order some and get it out of my system! Lucky you that you got to shovel. We are fully green here and I swear my grass is growing. Luckily, I also like mowing the lawn..I'm sort of a freak of nature that way.

  5. Michele must be thrilled with that beautiful bag and craft supplies! I love the fabric you used.

  6. I love snow--at least I love to watch it snow outside--as long as I don't have to shovel it anymore!!!!
    But the only snow we get here anymore is during the night--and we got about 2 inches last night!!
    I love your tote bag--really pretty colors--way to go!!

  7. Your bag is so cute. Love the fabric too. Did you use a pattern or just make one up yourself? I would like to make some bags to use for groceries when I shop instead of bringing home the plastic bags at the market. Just curious if you used a pattern or if you know what dimensions you used. thank you

  8. Yep I love it! The fabric choices are very me and of course, the craft supplies... just what I needed!!!

  9. What a lovely gift! Sisters are so special...I love the bag!!♥

  10. Your bags look fantastic! I am very envious of people with snow, it does not snow where I live, but I wish it did.

  11. Hi Ariane, This is the first time I visit your blog, and it's fantastic. This bag is really beautiful!!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane