Saturday, December 11, 2010

I have been so busy!!

Well, this is one of my busiest months in a while.

I'm working extra shifts this month because I'm doing a lot of training.

To top that off, it's almost Christmas and you know that makes it busy on its own.

I went to my guild meeting last Wednesday.
We had our wonderful Christmas dinner.
Our guest speaker was Joan Reives of Belleville, Ontario.
She makes art quilts.
Her show was just beautiful.
One of her quilts won an honorable mention at Quilt Canada's National Juried Show of 2010.
It's called Peggy's Cove.
The link to see it is here.
If you want to see more of her quilts here is her website.

I also managed to get my Christmas tree up on Friday night.
It was fun to put up with the kids and my husband.
We decorated it together and I was even able to celebrate with a glass of wine.
I don't do that too often.

Today, I was up at 5:00 am. My son was in a wrestling tournament.
We had to be up early and at the school first thing this morning.
The whole family went to cheer him on.
It was the first time I was able to attend one of his tournaments.
He won all his matches and got the gold medal in his weight division.
I was one proud Mom today.
It's so hard to get this one to smile in a picture.
 I had to trick him to get him to smile.

Well, hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get some sewing done.
I'm too tired tonight.
I hope you all have a great weekend.




  1. I love your tree with all the homemade ornaments. Miss those times with the kids. I sent your blog to my daughter - a teddy lover. I know she will love this tree - we had lots of teddies when she was little (and older), some are now with her family. Glad you got family time.

  2. The tree is gorgeous and I am happy for you that you got to spends some time with your family:)

  3. Congratulations to your son, that's a great effort! Christmas is really a family time, isn't it.

  4. Go Ariane's oldest son!!!! Wahoo! That must have been amazing to see him win all his matches! You must be so proud. I'm proud and I'm only the aunt! You can tell him that, btw.

    Great tree! We FINALLY put ours up today too! We still need something for the tippity top but it'll have to wait til tomorrow, I guess.

  5. Love your tree...

    Congrats to your should be proud!!!

  6. Yea! for your son...and for you. Busy Moms are happy moms and your family is blessed with one. Love the ornaments on the tree and the one on your son! Congrats to him..

  7. Hello sweetie...I hear you about the busy part...I feel like I have been on a treadmill none stop for weeks now....Love your tree, your ornaments and your son...oh my..tell him, how proud we are of his mom too...wink

  8. Delighted for your son...I absolutely hated watching my boys a mom I found it difficult and was so amazed at moms that watched that sport and rooted their boys on! Good job for that one!!!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours

  9. I love the Banner at the top of your blog! You are definitely busy...I think this month is too least for my liking! =) Hope you're able to enjoy Christmas!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane