Saturday, October 30, 2010

Blogger Quilt Festival - Fall 2010

Hi everyone,

I thought I would share one of the quilts I made at the beginning of my quilting journey.
This quilt was completed in February of 2009.

It's my Jacob's Ladder quilt.
I made it for my second oldest son.
I used scraps of fabric from my other two beds quilts that I had made for my oldest son and my daughter. You can find them here.
Even though, this was not that difficult a block pattern, 
it took me a long time to finish it. 
It was very time consuming trying to make sure that I didn't have the same colors close to each other.
I had just started quilting that year.
So, even though this is a scrappy quilt, I only had so many scraps.
I didn't have much of a stash. All my stash fit into an under bed storage bin.
One bin. LOL!!!
This was the fourth quilt that I made, and the third bed quilt.
This quilt is a twin size quilt.
The border on it was very difficult for me.
I cut all the pieces for the border with a scissor.
And well, my cuts weren't exact.
My seams weren't exact.
I was just a beginner, doing a difficult border.
It was really tough to get it to fit.
I ended up making an adjusted piece to make the border fit.
I quilted it myself.
It is very simply quilted.

But you know what?
I still love it.
It is an everyday quilt.
So, my son has it on his bed as we speak.
It's been washed many times.
It is still beautiful.

Thanks to Amy for giving us the opportunity to share our quilts with others.

Go, check out the rest of the quilts in the blogger quilt festival.




  1. I bet you do still love it. It is absolutely beautiful...lovely colors and the pattern looks pretty tough to me! Lucky young man!

  2. Wow Ariane, that's awesome! I can't imagine cutting it with scissors! You go girl!

    And useful and beautiful go hand in hand and I wouldn't see any flaws with my imperfect eyes. =)

  3. Ariane! This is such a lovely quilt and I love the fact that it's a one-bin quilt! See what you can make with very little? Something awesome, that's what!

  4. It's beautiful! I love that it is used, my daughter's quilt is washed almost every week by necessity! And I think it makes it better, and gives us a closeness with our quilting fore mothers.

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! Thank you for sharing the great story behind it!


  6. It means all that much more when they are useable, don't you think? I think it is pretty!

  7. Great quilt, I have always loved that did a nice job.

  8. Great quilt and the border makes it even more special....and made from a one-bin stash ... priceless!

  9. A one-bin stash. Those were the days, eh? This is a beautiful, beautiful quilt - thanks for sharing it and its story.

  10. This is a lovely rich quilt Ariane and amazing what you can do with just a few scraps. Lovely to look back on our older quilts and see how far we have come skillwise.

  11. Very nice quilt, great story too.



  12. That is a very pretty quilt. For an early piece, it's not bad at all. Wish I had the skill!

    Please check out my blog giveaway open to followers new and old! :D

  13. You did a great job on this, despite your battles. It is wonderfully warm and inviting. No wonder your son loves it so much. Thanks for sharing your quilt's story:)

  14. This brings back fond memories... one of my first quilts was a Jacob's Ladder, too! However, not as ambitious as yours, as I only used two fabrics and plain borders. I love your scrappy one. Hmmm... maybe a patter to revisit?

  15. scrappy quilts are the best and this in no exception. I want to do a scrappy Jacob's ladder someday.

  16. Love scrap quilts - and yours is beautiful! It's fantastic - thx for sharing.

  17. It's a lovely quilt - scrappy designs are my favorite.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane