Thursday, October 21, 2010

After washing pictures of Fun with bubbles and I'm sick....again!!!!

Well, here are a few pictures of my "Fun with bubbles" quilt, after being washed.
It is even softer now then before.
I used flannel on the back of this quilt, too.
I forgot to mention that yesterday.
So, with the soft frayed edges on the front, the quilting and the flannel, there are so many different textures to feel. I can just imagine a little girl rubbing her hands on this quilt and just loving the sensations.
I really love this little quilt.

On another note, I have the flu.
That's why I didn't post these pictures yesterday.
You know the symptoms, bad congestion, aches and pains, headache, fever, coughing.....
I had a really bad fever and ended up in bed from about 2 pm yesterday to about noon today.
I'm still pretty sick, but not as bad as yesterday.
Don't you just hate being sick.

It's a good thing my kids are older now.
They dodged people at the door that wanted to speak to me, never passed the phone to me unless it was really important and fed themselves dinner. They all got there homework done, and went to bed at their regular time for a school night. My husband was at working, so they were pretty much on their own.
They are such good kids. Love them so much.

My husband got up this morning and made sure the kids had everything they needed for school. Everything was taken care of. I was able to rest. Which I really needed, because I coughed so much during the night and was so congested. It was a really long night.

But I'm truly blessed to have such a great little family who takes care of me.
I probably won't be doing to much sewing, until I feel better. But I think I've done quite a bit this month already. So, I'm good.




  1. I agree that you have had a very busy sewing month! I am so sorry to hear that you have the flu. That's just awful! I remember landing in the hospital with the flu when my oldest was only 10 months old. I am glad your family is old enough to take care of you!

  2. I'm so sorry you've been sick! I love the quilt, it's lovely. =)

    It is nice for our children to be growing up...I miss them little, but it really helps when I'm sick to say, "Please go play so Mommy can rest!" =) Hope you feel better soon!

  3. It looks great! I hope you feel better soon.

  4. so sorry you are sick :( but your quilt is beautiful!

  5. It's a beauty...and take care of you! Can't believe you've been so sick...get well dear friend.

  6. I hope you are feeling better soon, let's hope it's the 24 hour variety. How nice that your family is so caring - they need their mommy back!
    The circle quilt is super sweet and you're right, all of those soft textures are perfect for a babe.

  7. Ariane, just get plenty of rest okay! Man you've had a hard time of it lately haven't you? The quilt looks great!

  8. Ariane, hope you feel better soon. Your quilt is lovely. Have a good day.

  9. It must be going around, I woke up that way, this morning. Hope you feel better soon.


  10. Poor Ariane..hope you are feeling better very soon..I do love this quilt...

  11. It's a gorgeous quilt!

    I hope you feel better soon!

  12. Firstly, the quilts looks super cuddly. Secondly, go get your rest! Hugs. Get well soon.

  13. That quilt DOES look sooo cuddly! The frayed edges add so much to it too.

    Get better real soon Ariane!

  14. Your flu sounds awful, I hope you're on the mend now. You've obviously bought your children up well that they can fend for themselves when they need to. It's good when your kids surprise us with their sense of responsibility in situations like this. Love your bubbles quilt by the way, so pretty and girly!!

  15. Sorry to hear that you are sick.. Get better soon. You tend to be so busy. Try to slow down. There is always another day. Take care.

  16. It looks even more fab now it has been washed. Hope you get better soon.

  17. LOVE this quilt! Might have to add it to my never ending to do list!

  18. Hello Ariane,

    wat is it very very lovly.
    I love the colors and the idee.

    greatings send you Conny

  19. So sorry you have been sick....the quilt should cheer you up, it is fabulous!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane