Thursday, September 2, 2010

Charming Girls Club finishes for July & August.

I joined the Charming Girls Club and tried to get lots of stuff done this July and August. I made most of my goals. Some didn't get done, but what can I do. It was so busy with going to Northern Ontario, and spending the month of August at the cottage, and working........You girls know how it is. Here is the list I posted for things I wanted to get done.

1 - Spend more time with the kids having fun!!! I should be able to do this easily since we are going away next week on a holiday, then going to the cottage in August. Can't wait!!! I definitely got this done. We had so much fun visiting with our relatives in Northern Ontario. We had such a great time. Then we went fishing and roasted marshmallows, weiners over the campfire. Played so many card games and sang songs as my husband played guitars.

2 - Find a least 2 nights for just me and the hubby to go out on a date. My husband and I did get some time alone together in August. We went out for dinner and just relaxed and watched a movie. We had a few nights, no kids, no dogs at home. Those were really the best nights. Sometimes the best date is one where you can just relax and spend time together with no interuptions.

3 - Finish organizing my new sewing room. It is so disorganized right now. Well, it was organized.....LOL!!! But you know how long that lasted.

4 - Finish my Jack-in-the-Pulpit quilt. Yes, I got this one done. Whohoooo!!!! My girlfriend loved it.

5 - Finish my Between Charming Friends quilt and help my daughter finish her quilt too! Well, I got my quilt top done, but not quilted. My daughter was gone to camp all of August so she didn't get to work on hers. Hopefully soon!!

6 - Quilt my Picnic quilt. Nope! Didn't do this!! Oh well....maybe this month.

7 - Take a walk at least 3 days a week. I'm so out of shape. I've got to get off my butt. I did do my walks. But I need to do more. I have to keep working on this one.

8 - Spend less time on the computer and more time with the family or working on a project. Well, I did spend A LOT LESS time on the computer this summer. I was away at the cottage or working and only got to sneak in a few minutes here and there to check my emails, and do a short blog post in between my work shifts. I spend a lot of time with the family this summer. I didn't get to work on too many projects, but that's okay. Once school starts next week, I will have more time.

So all in all, I think I did pretty well.



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