Sunday, July 11, 2010

Some Japanese it!!!

Today was a very busy day for me. I was running around all day. But I did manage to convince my husband to take me to the Picton Quilt Show. We managed to make it there late in the afternoon for the last hour of the show. I forgot to bring my camera. I was very disappointed about that. The quilts were gorgeous!! I didn't have a lot of money to spend. But I just couldn't resist some Japanese fabric at one of the booths. I purchased it from Kallisti Quilts. This is a Canadian online quilt shop that specializes in Japanese and African fabric. I had never heard of it before today. They have an online catalogue that you can order from and also an etsy shop. Their online catalogue has more selection and you can request specific amounts. I ended up purchasing 6 fat quarters. They are so cute, and they are in my favorite colours. I'm very happy that my husband came with me to the quilt show. He kind of felt out of place. He said that he was the only guy under the age of 70 there. Which was not true, but there weren't many guys there. LOL!!! I'm so glad he did this for me. He is so sweet. He was also very encouraging, by telling me that my quilts were just as nice as any in the show. I gave him a hug & kiss for that one. LOL!!!




  1. Glad you enjoyed the show and your fabrics are lovely! Ann :-)

  2. Loving the new fat qtrs. you got and kudos to your hubby for humbling himself a bit to please his wife:)

  3. I was so sorry to miss this - but I'm in Berlin this weekend. Thanks for the info about that shop - it sounds great - and Canadian!

  4. Picton! I used to go camping at the Outlet and Sandbanks when I was a kid living in Belleville. Were the quilts hung outdoors? Great fabric picks Ariane, I have some of the same ones winging their way to my mailbox (cameras and owls)! It's a blogpost of coincidences today!

  5. I too love Japanese son is in Japan and is promising me fabric...we will see if he delivers.

  6. Oh, I think I need those turtles!! But first, enchino. Goodness, I love that stuff.



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