Thursday, July 8, 2010

15 year wedding anniversary and my new sewing room!

Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a nice day. It is very hot and humid out today. But I do have one reason to celebrate. My husband and I have been married 15 years today. I am so happy. I love him more and more every day. We are best friends and we have grown closer and closer every year. We won't do something extravagant today. But we will spend some nice time together, just enjoying each others company. I look forward to having many, many more years together, growing old together!
Love you honey!!!

I also started to move into my new little sewing room a couple of days ago. I didn't have a sewing room before. I sewed at the kitchen table and had all my stuff in bins in the living room and dining room. It had pretty much taken over. I have to admit, it did get messy some times.

My husband had this little room in our basement that he used for his guitar room. He had his guitars hanging on the wall and all his music gear arranged nicely. It was like his little sanctuary. He decided that I needed the space more than he did, as I sewed more than he played. So we traded spots. I cleaned up a nice corner for him to put one of his small guitar amps in the living room and put a hook for one guitar to hang on the wall. The rest of his stuff he is storing or got rid of, because he didn't use it.

This room is tiny. It's only 5 feet by 8 feet. But it's perfect for me. I'm just missing a desk to put my sewing machine on. I also need to continue organising my stuff so that I can find things. That used to be a major problem before, as I had everything in big bins. So here are a few pictures. I love that I can have more wall space to hang my little quilts. I'm very excited.
So, It's getting there. I hope to have a desk soon and maybe another storage shelf to put my little bins into. But I'm having fun getting it organized. I'll share more soon.




  1. woohoo!!! I'm so excited for you! And I love that you're using some of your Schnibbles patterns to decorate!

  2. yay you! How nice to have your own space. I went through the exact same thing...sewed at the dining room table, bins of fabric in our bedroom (!) and in our office shelves. I finally took over the spare bedroom in the basement. We're all so much happier. My room is small too and I found that I saved space by mounting shelves from 4' up on the wall to the ceiling, thereby freeing up floor space. Maybe you could try that?

  3. Happy Anniversary! I love your quilting room. I will have to visit it sometime.

  4. yey!
    congrats for bouth great things!
    happy aniversary
    and the sewing room looks great!

  5. What a wonderful husband! Happy anniversary. Enjoy your new sewing space.

  6. has it been 15 years already? aren't you, like, 18 or something? :) well congratulations Ariane and Eric on your 15 years. that's amazing in this day and age!

    and it's about time that you get your own sewing room goshdarnit! you, more than anyone i know, deserve at least that! i'll be popping by to inspect very soon!

    hugs, michele

  7. congrats on your anniversary - ours was 14 years on the 6th! Love your new space. You will be even more productive - once you get that desk!:) My husband has most of his guitars in the garage although he does have a small set up in our bedroom. My sewing space is our front entranceway and I'm glad to have it! Maybe one day I will get a room with 4 walls. At least I've got a closet:)

  8. Congrats! On both the incredible anniversary and your very own sewing space!

  9. Cheers on your wedding anniversary and lots of best wishes on your new sewing space. Sweet hubby!

  10. Your sewing room look very nice. I have just spent all day cleaning my swing room up.

  11. Ariane,it is so neat to see your new sewing area-Enjoy! I seldom comment, but I just had to complement you on the large quilt hanging on the wall of your sewing room in the very first photo. The quilt is gorgeous! I would be so delighted if you could give me an idea of the fabric-line or colors/designs you chose for that quilt.Thanks for sharing,love,Linda

  12. Happy Anniversary Ariane! Your husband is very generous to give you a sewing room. Doesn't matter how small it is, its just nice to have your own space where you can leave projects out. Enjoy making it your own.

  13. Oh how wonderful to have your own room. I got a dedicated space a couple of years ago and it makes all the difference! Enjoy!!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane