Saturday, May 29, 2010

Guild challenge Part 1

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good day. Tonight I worked on one of the projects that I need to complete for our last guild meeting of the season. I  participated in two different block exchanges with the guild. I received 3 blocks made by guild members in bright colors, and 3 blocks in country colors. These blocks were collected over 3 months. I had to make a 4th block for each of these categories, to have a total of 4 bright blocks and 4 country blocks. The challenge is to have completed any project I want with these blocks and present them at our last guild meeting.

I decided to seperate my bright blocks into pairs. I made a bag this evening with my first pair of bright blocks. I think it turned out pretty cute and that it was a good way to use the blocks. These two blocks were made by the same person I think. As they used similar fabrics. I added the purple fabric which I purchased today at a LQS and a vintage button that I had already. I hope you like it.

Now I just have to make something with the two other bright blocks and the 4 country blocks. I will show you those completed projects in the next couple of days. Have a great weekend.




  1. I love the colours in your bag
    Turned out great

  2. That floral is a fabulous print! I like the bags you've made. Nice start on your theme. Ann :-)

  3. Absolutely gorgeous!♥♥♥ Looking forward to seeing you other blocks!

  4. Great idea!! Sometimes it is hard to put a small quilt together with 4 blocks from different people. The bag is a great solution. Cushions can be a good way to use them, too. Fun challenge!

  5. Love those small quilts--you won't lose them in a crowd!!!!
    By the way--where have 'I' been???/
    see somehow I have missed some of your other posts--sorry!!
    Love all the other projects you have done a great job on them all--keep on sewing!!!
    Have a great weekend--

  6. that was a great idea for using those blocks! neat bag Ariane!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane