Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Amazing mail!!!

I received an amazing package in the mail today.
 It came all the way from New Zealand.
Catherine at The Sewing Attic was having a giveaway on her blog
and had so many wonderful prizes.
 Look what she sent me....

Thank you so much.
 I love it!!!
The pincushion is amazing.
 The fabric roll, the buttons, ribbon and chocolate was too.
 The chocolate didn`t last too long.
My daughter also loves buttons
 and she was so excited to look through them.
I am going to have a lot of fun making something with the fabric.
Thanks again!!!!

Ariane :o)


  1. Love your goodies that you got in the mail!!! and I love your hourglass quilt--way to go!!!
    Hugs, Di

  2. Congratulations on your wonderful gift!

    Enjoy and happy sewing!

  3. Your welcome Ariane!! Good to see it didn't get all squished in the mail system too!

  4. That's a fantastic collection of goodies! Ann :-)


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane