Monday, February 22, 2010

A Winner, My Sunday Best quilt top, and more.....

I hope everyone has had a good day. Sorry for taking so long to announce the winner of my giveaway! I wrote all the names on paper and my daughter B-Sew Cute picked the winner. The winner is.................

a good yarn said...

Congratulations Ariane - how marvellous! You're a celebrity now. Ann :-)

I am so glad that Ann won. She comments on my blog all the time. Thank you so much to everyone who commented. I am amazed at all the support you give me. I love to quilt and hope to make many more in the future. I also love that my daughter has wanted to quilt with me. It is so much fun to have that time together.

I also finished my Sunday Best quilt top. I decided to make it into a twin size quilt. I used my stash and I love the way it turned out. So, now I need to figure out what to do for the backing. I don`t usually buy big pieces of fabric, so I am not sure if I am going to piece a back or go out and buy some fabric. So, here it is....

I also received my potholders from the Potholder Pass Swap. This was a really fun swap. My partner Trisha sent the most wonderful potholders and a gift for my daughter too.  She sent my daughter two fat quarters and a pattern. She was so thoughtful. Thank you so much Trisha.

Well, that is all for today.......


Ariane :o)


  1. Love your Scrappy Sunday's Best! I'm sure it will look great on your son's bed!

  2. Love seeing all of your pictures. So inspiring. Congrats to the winner!

  3. Congratulations to your winner-Anne!!! Love your scrappy Sundays Best---great job!!! and I like the new potholders you received for the swap--way to go!!!
    Hugs, Di

  4. Your Scrappy Sunday Best Quilt does look so lovely Ariane..

  5. Oh Ariane - I'm overwhelmed! How marvellous! Thank you so much for hosting the giveaway. Your quilt has turned out really well. I think it's wonderful that your daughter likes to sew with you and very thoughtful of your swap partner to send her some fabric and a pattern. Cheers, Ann :-)

  6. Your Sunday quilt top is lovely.
    Congrat to the winner.

  7. I may have to try an enlarged version of Sunday Best. I love yours!

  8. The potholders are adorable! Your Sunday quilt is very pretty, too!

    Happy sewing!

  9. Oh I love your Sunday Best! :-) Congrat's to your winner. :-)

  10. I love the Sunday Best top. The potholders are fantastic too.

  11. your quilt is so pretty. nicely done!
    and i love those bird potholders you received.. adorable.

    it's wonderful that you are getting to spend time with your daughter sewing. what a sweet bonding time.

  12. Sunday Best is going to be one cute quilt Ariane!

  13. What a cute bow tie quilt. I don't usually have large pieces of fabric in my stash either but I do buy pieces that work for borders or with a coordinating fabric can be made into one of my off center 4 patch backings.

  14. Love the boe tie quilt top...and nice giveaway too. I just made a few pot holders too, funny the timing. Steph

  15. Oh my goodness, I LOVE your Sunday Best. I love it, I love it, I love it.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane