Saturday, January 9, 2010

A great day and a redo

Hi Everyone! I had a wonderful day today.
I spent the day with my sister's family.
We all went skating on a pond at a local conservation area.
Then, we took a walk in the woods. It was nice and sunny and cold.
 But there was no wind. It was great to get some fresh air.
Then we all went back to my sister's house to have hot chocolate and some lunch.
My sister's husband loves to bake.
So he got the kids to help him make some old fashioned home made donuts.
Hmmmmm!!!! They were so good.
We also played some games with the kids.
 I really needed to have a fun day like that, with no pressure.
It was a lovely day.

(Above: This is my woodland bloom quilt top as of today.)

Tonight, I worked on one of my Woodland Bloom quilt.
 This is one of the UFO's I was commited to finish this year.
I had made a quilt top with this fabric last year and I hated it.
I just couldn't work on it to finish it. It wasn't well put together.
It was just a mess in my opinion. So last week I took it apart.
Tonight I worked on getting the center panel of the quilt done.
 So now I just have to figure out what kind of border to use.
This is going to be a queen size quilt.
 My daughter has a double bed in her room and I like the quilt to hang down low.
So I hope you like the changes.
I like it a lot better now and I can't wait to be done.

(Above: This is the before shot of my Woodland Bloom quilt. I hated this one.)

Thanks to all of you who sent me well wishes the last couple of days.
 I was feeling really down. But things were much better today.
I have three more days off work. Yeah!!
I will be spending some really nice time with the kids.
They were so great today. I got lots of hugs.
So I'm going to keep taking it easy and doing some sewing.
Just enjoying every day.

Hugs Ariane


  1. Seems like your day with the kids and family grounded you....

    I am glad you had a good day.

  2. Glad you are feeling a bit better Nothing like hugs to do that for you

  3. I like the new compositon better too. Can't wait to see the border you choose. I know it will be great!

  4. It's great what you did with Woodland Bloom Ariane - very cheerful!

  5. Glad you had sooo much fun outdoors and with family--even quilting can't beat a day like that!!!
    Like the new look and you have done a great job of redoing it!!
    Hugs, Di&co--Keep warm!!

  6. Glad you are feeling better Ariane. Your day out with family must have been just the tonic. I think your changes to the quilt have been well worth the effort. It's such a terrific transformation. I'm sure you will come up with a solution for the border. You have done so well so far! Happy Stitching, Ann :-)

  7. I like the before and I like the after. I am glad you had a great day.

  8. Pleased your feeling better Ariane and enjoying some nice quality family time. Loving the new layout of your daughters quilt!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane