Thursday, December 10, 2009

Some of my Advent Swap Gifts!!

I want to give you a peak at gifts sent to me by Jeannette for our Advent Swap!!
I am very excited about it. I opened 10 gifts to date.
Look at all I got!!!! I love it!!
I am excited every day to open a new gifts.
My little girl and I do it together.
She is just as excited as me.

Thank you so much!!!!

I hope you all have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Ariane,
    Looks like you are getting some lovely gifts. I bet it's exciting each time one arrives!!

    And I love the new look here at your blog. The vintage Christmas background is great!!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane