Thursday, December 31, 2009

Completed projects 2009 - Part 1

These are the first 36 projects I finised in 2009.
I am so glad I am looking back.
I still have more finised projects to show you.
This does not include any of my UFOs.
I have quite a few of those. 
I worked hard this year.
One of my goals for 2010 is to get some of those UFOs done.
I will come back later, when I get home from work
and show you the rest of my finished projects.

1. Tote bag, 2. Jacob's Ladder quilt, 3. Chicken pillow cover, 4. Mini Tote 9-patch bag blue side, 5. Tumbling block quilt, 6. Front of tote bag, 7. Crayon Roll, 8. DSCF0902, 9. DSCF0910, 10. Skirt and appliqued top - pink, 11. A Skirt and Appliqued T-shirt, 12. DSCF0997, 13. Puss in the Corner quilt, 14. The puppy quilt, 15. Front of bag for Bag Swap, 16. little coin purse and pin cushion, 17. Cupcake purse - close up, 18. DSCF1108, 19. DSCF1142-a, 20. Cotton Blossom Purse SMS giveaway, 21. Let's drive baby quilt, 22. My Spring Blooms mini quilt, 23. Whirleygig Quilt, 24. DSCF1533, 25. DSCF1537, 26. DSCF1541, 27. Cottage Mini Quilt, 28. DSCF1784, 29. DSCF1786, 30. DSCF1995, 31. DSCF1937, 32. DSCF1982, 33. Three Stitcher's Angel projects done, 34. Good Ol'Summertime Mini Quilt Swap, 35. Log cabin Beatrix Potter quilt, 36. Charming Bed Pocket 1


  1. Ok , I'm not even going to speak to you anymore. ( lovingly joking!) I can't believe what all you have gotten done! You must have some kind of trick up your sleeve. I thought I was doing good to get done what I do, which doesn't compare to your projects. I think my favorite thing you have done recently is the lap quilt for your mother-in-law. I like it a lot.I love that rooster pillow too! I can't wait to see part two of the pics! Have a great day!

  2. Forgot to mention that I love that redwork piece too!

  3. amazing, you should be so proud of yourself.

    How did you post all of those together?

  4. amazing, you should be so proud of yourself.

    How did you post all of those together?

  5. Wonderful! I too have been looking back and am quite satisfied with what I've achieved in 2009. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. They're all wonderful and what a great way to showcase them all. I esp. love the baby blocks quilt. I want to make one of those myself one of these days.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane