Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fall Inspiration from Flickr!!

1. vogeltjesquilt, 2. Pumpkin Coasters, 3. Snail Sanctuary Pincushion Front, 4. little school quilt., 5. Autumn Leaves Collection felt hair clips, 6. Halloween Wall Hanging, 7. candy corn reycled sweater pillow, 8. Pumpkins, 9. Just Leaf Me Alone, 10. Needle Felted Little Sprite Atop a Pumpkin - Waldorf Inspired, 11. "An optimist is a person who starts a diet on Thanksgiving day.", 12. Robin Feeding on Rose Hips, 13. hello, Fall. [little quilts 1+2], 14. Broche calabaza, 15. placemat quilt swap front, 16. Autumn Leaves Pincushion, 17. Autumn Leaves, 18. Primitve Raggedy Lil Punkin Fall Doll, 19. Apple by Timeless Treasures, 20. Witchy Feet, 21. Autumn colours, near Calabogie, Ontario, 22. Placemat Quilt Swap, 23. E outro..., 24. fall, 25. Happy Halloween


  1. What a great collage of pictures- lots of inspiration!!! Thanks!

  2. Beautiful collage. I only wish that our fall would last longer in Calgary. Snow again this morning. The leaves are stuckon the trees, kind of creepy!

  3. I love fall (autumn here). Delightful images. Ann :)

  4. Thanks for adding two of my works in your collage.

  5. I love the inspiration. One of my many projects is a fall quilt. I have the fabric just need the time. May you let me know how you did the photo collage? I have seen others do it as well.

  6. What an awesome collage!

    Have a warm wonderful week! TTFN ~ Marydon


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