Tuesday, April 14, 2009


My Mom sent a little package in the mail a couple of weeks ago for my daughter. My daughter had told her on the phone one night, that she had found this beautiful button outside and that she just loved old buttons. So my Mom decided to go through her jars of old buttons that she has had for years and years. She made a wall hanging filled with old buttons. It's so nice. I have it hanging on the wall in my daughters bedroom. She just loves it. She often goes and looks at it and tells me which buttons she loves the best. I think this is a wonderful way to display buttons. Often they end up in a jar where no one can see them. They are so beautiful and have such unique features. If you ever wondered what to do with your old buttons, this may be something you would like to make. I hope you like it. I haven't done too much sewing lately. I pinched the sciatic nerve in my lower back and have been in quite a bit of pain because of it. I hope it gets better soon.

Happy Stitching!

Ariane :o)


  1. My daughter loves buttons too! May you please let me know if your mom sewed or glued on the buttons and what type of fabric she used? Thank you

  2. That is genius! What a great family treasure!

  3. Absolutely brilliant idea! What a great idea.

  4. You should have seen how much fun mom was having picking out the buttons! She kept showing them to me and getting me to read the names on them!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane