Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm done my Tumbling Block Quilt

I'm finally done the Tumbling Block Quilt I've been making for my daughter. This quilt is hand pieced and hand quilted. I started working on this quilt in the first week of September 2008. So, it took me 5 months to finish it. I think that is pretty good. The piecing itself only took me six weeks. But I struggled a bit with staying on track with the hand quilting. I had many projects on the go. I'm just glad it didn't sit for a long time. I think it is a beautiful quilt. It is my favorite one to date. I just like using old patterns to make my quilts. This one really jumped out at me when I was going through a book I borrowed from the library called "Big book of best-loved quilt patterns" by Rhonda Richards. This is by far my favorite quilting book to date. I wish I had my own copy. I also got my Jacob's ladder pattern from that book. It has many patterns for antique quilts, and has many different styles of quilts. It also has great instructions and tips. It has patterns for 82 different quilts. I'm going to have to borrow it again to see what I could make next. Here's a picture of the back of the quilt. You can't see the quilting that well. But I think the back looks really good. The colour of the binding really goes well with it. I'm going to have to take pictures in the sunlight so that you can really see it well and how bright it looks. Well, I hope everyone had a great day.

Happy Stitching!

Ariane :o)


  1. Just gorgeous!!! You should be proud, you've done a fabulous job!!
    Joy :o)

  2. Thanks so much! It means a lot to me to get your positive feedback.

  3. beautiful quilt..wow I am so happy you finished it.
    I bet you are too.
    I love that book too
    I will have to go get it off the shelf and look at it again
    your right very inspirational.


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane