Saturday, January 10, 2009

Added a border

Hi! I hope everyone is well. Today has been a crazy busy day for me. It was my first day off and I had so much to do. I work shift work, and only get two weekends off in a six week rotation. They come back to back. So I work 4 weekends then get two weekends off in a row. Last weekend was my weekend off to spend time as a family. My husband and I only get the same weekend off once every six weeks. So last, weekend was our family weekend off to spend time together. This weekend it's just me and the kids. So, I got up early and cleaned my house with some help from the kids. We got that done before noon. I swear that's a record. The kids are getting better at helping out. Yes!!! Finally!!! Then I had a list of things that I had to do in town, so I enlisted me daughter to be my helper. The boys were not interested in coming. So I did all my running around and got back home around 2 pm. We put away the groceries, and such, then I made lunch. I wanted to make some cabbage rolls, so I put them together and threw them in the oven. I had promised the kids that we would go the YMCA. Yes, I made the New Years resolution to get back in shape. So we went and I worked out with my oldest son, while the other two kids played in the kids fitness area. Then we all went for a swim in the pool. It was quite nice. Then came home to get supper finished up. But after that workout and all the running around. I've run out of steam. Time to relax. Well, yesterday I worked on my daughters bright quilt. I had showed you the center panel in an earlier post. I have to make it bigger. My daughter has a double bed. I added a border to it. It still needs to get bigger. But I think I going in the right direction. She just loves how bright it is. I used one layer cake and a charm pack of MODA "Woodland Bloom" material. I also bought more fabric in the same collection to add to what I had. I have a lot of projects on the go. Eventually I'll get one done.

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