Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I received two packages in the mail today!!!!

Hi everyone, I received two wonderful packages in the mail today.
I was so excited. I just ripped the envelopes open right away.
The first package was from Karla @ Make Life Sweet.
I had entered her giveaway to win all eight of her patterns using the new Authentic Collection by Sweetwater. I just love these patterns.
Now I have to order some of her fabrics.
I just love these.I also received the patterns that I won in a giveaway by Carol @ Carol's Crafty Creations.
They are so wonderful. I got 6 patterns in all.
Two are quilt patterns and the other four are bag patterns.
I can't wait to get started on some of these projects.
I just love the Bunny Hill quilt pattern and the Flea market bag pattern.
Thank you so much for these wonderful gifts.
You are both so generous.
Hugs!!! Ariane :o)


  1. Lucky you...that will keep you busy for awhile!!! lol

  2. Well, aren't you going to have a lot of fun! Great gifts, you lucky gal you!

    Have a great week. TTFN ~Marydon

  3. Oh My--you are going to be one very busy gal making up all these new patterns--have fun---Hugs, just, Di

  4. I love to win stuff! Lucky girl - and what a great package!

  5. you are in pattern heaven!! i'm super jealous over here!

  6. Gosh, what a fantastic haul of patterns! Congratulations on your wins. Plenty to keep you busy. Ann :)

  7. You will need to shop for LOTS of fabric with all of those new patterns!! Enjoy!


Thanks to all of you who leave me comments. I just love them. I will do my best to respond to any question you have. I love hearing from you. Hugs Ariane